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(Marius walked out i as a spotlight shined on him as the audience clapped and cheered) Marius:ladies and gentlemen with the finest talent from five continents the Brancusi Circus presents Celestia

(the audience cheers as Marius moved as a clown car drove in the circle parking then Sisko got out waving then dusting himself off then went back to the car throwing out some items till he finally pulled out Daphne who was dressed as a clown the crowd laughed and cheered then Sisko honked his horn in her face the crowd cheered again s he was giving a bow Daphne tried hitting him with the umbrella bu i got stuck in the car door she tried getting it out but accidentally started it and drove Sisko ran after it till they both got in and crashed into a wall they walked it to give a bow) (time skip) (soon it was Velma turn and Ashambult was carrying her to the cannon) 

Ashambut:your going to be fine 


Ashambult:meh fifty fifty (he was about to pull the lever till) Lady:werewolves (they saw the werewolves on a platform growling)

Velma:oh that's a relief (the werewolves jumped down near the crowd growling till they ran)

Guy:man these are amazing costumes (Alex,scooby and shaggy looked out of the curtain seeing the wolves running at them they scream ducking as the one wolf pounced on the curtain getting tangled in it as they ran the wolf got free and chased them)

Shaggy:please i don't want to be a werewolf

Scooby:and i'm already a dog

Alex:and i don't want to get bit (Alex turned and one of the werewolves went after her) Shaggy:that ones after Alex (alex climbed a ladder with one of the wolves following her) Scooby:we gotta save her

Shaggy:yeah and ourselves run (he and scooby got on the motorcycle driving off with the wolf chasing them as the others ran out) Marius:we gotta do something

Fred:usually i would trap them in a net (he saw a the giant net) Fred:thats a big net (alex had climbed to the tightrope walking on it then heard growling she turned her head seeing the werewolf started to pull itself on it) Alex:okay you wanna play (she saw the second one go to the other side growling and started going on the tightrope)

Alex:one i don't know how you got here i thought you were chasing the Shaggy and Scooby (she saw the motorcycle coming)

Alex:see ya (she purposely fell but grabbed the rope spin around on it till she threw herself in the hair landing on the rope sending the wolfs to the ground as she heard the crowd cheer then she saw fred and Marius drop the giant net on them)

Alex:ha that's what you wolves get (she walked to the other side then meeting up with the them as they pulled the net off them but was shocked that she was gone)

Marius:they have to be here

Fred:i guess not

Oliverio:very strange

Whitney:how can they just disappear like that (Sisko honked his horn) Whitney:maybe but where would they hide the forklift

Velma:but why would they even attack there no jewels they went straight after Alex,Shaggy and Scooby

Alex:you think they were trying to scare us off

Daphne:maybe (a motorcycle zoomed by)

Shaggy:how do we stop this thing (they crashed)

Daphne:that's one way (he crowd cheered and clapped)

Alex:they actually liked it

Marius:everyone exit the tent please (the audience left).

Alex Light & Big Top Scooby DooWhere stories live. Discover now