The Train

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(The gang was saying goodbye to Marius i their regular clothes) Marius:are you sure you don't want anything i mean this thing is cramped with cash Fred;no thanks we're just glad we could help Marius:well anytime you want to see the circus it is on the house with free churros Shaggy:yes Fred:maybe i can b the highlighter again

Marius:uh oh look at the time i gotta go bye (he got back onto the train) Ashambult:Ashambult is going to leave too and i hope the find those jewels

Whitney:yeah especially that black and blue one those two looked very nice (Whitney went on the train as Ashambult raised an eyebrow following him) Alex:mom dad (Alex ran to the limo) Alex:i'll see you guys when i see ya

Adam:oh Alex well see eachother again

Lilith:yes but i do hope they find my necklace it was kinda expensive (Alex gave them both a hug then they got into the limo leaving then when alex walked over hearing Sisko talk) Alex:wait did he just talk 


Fred:well another mystery solved 

Velma:i don't something still bugging me The train had started to leave)

Daphne:yeah i miss that when the bad guys says i would've gotten away with it if it hadn't been for use

Velma:velma:wait Whiteny said black and blue gems but he has never heard of them before Fred:so Alex:so remember Lena said you won't take us easily Velma:and Whitney was too shock when we unmasked her

Alex:wait of we were all busy untying the rest who was kidnapped he could've taken the jewels Velma:it all adds up Whitney was in on it (they all got in the mystery machine speeding after the train) Daphne:come on go faster Fred:hey i'm going as fast as i can (fred sped up) (in the train) (Ashambult and Marius were talking) Ashambult:i'm going to miss the Atlantic city Marius:same Ashambult same (they heard pew sounds then Ashambult fell unconscious Marius seeing Whitney holding the tranquilizer gun) (back in the mystery machine) Scooby:look (they see Whitney grabbing Marius shirt) Shaggy:we gotta get on that train somehow (they suddenly looked at me)

Alex:why are you guys looking at me for (she and Scooby were on top of the mystery machine) Alex:it wasn't even my idea 

Daphne:hurry so i can get up there 

Alex:okay sheesh come on Scoob (they both jumped onto the train but it was too late for Daphne to jump) Fred:too late Daphne (on top of the train Scooby and Alex see the mystery machine turning) Scooby:were on our own (they walked to a roof window to see Whitney griping Marius shirt) Whitney:you better give me the key to the bag or i'll get angry

Marius:wait so this isn't angry

Alex:we gotta stop him

Scooby:but how (alex put a hand on her chin thinking then snapping her fingers) Alex:thats it scooby can you distract Doubleday Scooby:okay (in the train) (Whitney was pouring the cash into a bag) whitney:nice doing business with you mate

Scooby:hey (whitney sees scooby holding a bucket) Whitney:really a bucket (he dropped the bag of cash hold his dark gun) Whitney:time to go asleep doggy (he tried to shoot but it was empty) Whitne:what happened to the darts

Alex:don't worry i have them (he sees me put the dart in my hoodie pocket as Scooby put the bucket over his head Alex jumped onto the roof helping scooby up) (on the roof)

Scooby:what now

Alex:i don't know (whitney tried opening the window but Alex had her foot on it preventing it to be open) Alex:run scoob Scooby:huh Alex:take the money to the conductor ill distract Doubleday Scooby are you sure

Alex:certainly (scooby grabbed the bag run as the window was forced open making Alex fall) Whitne:give me my money Alex;yeah sorry but i'm not giving you shit (she dodge a punch and kept dodging them) Alex:why do you even need it anyways your working for Marius a good person (she was kicked to the ground) Whitney:please he wasn't drawing in the cash (Alex tried poking him with the tranq dart but he tripped her making her fall dropping the dart) Alex:no the dart Whiney:well looks like i have a dog to (he was suddenly punched to the ground he looked up seeing Ashambult helping Alex up) Whitney:what but i tranquilized you Ashambult:gonna take more than three darts to keep Ashambult down (Alex walked over kicking him straight in the face knocking him out and leaving him with a bloody nose then high fiving Ashambult) Ashambult:remind Ashambult to never get on your bad side (soon the train stopped and the gang and others were watching police taking away Whitney) Cop 1:man someone kicked your ass (he laughed walking him to the squad car) Marius:appearntly Whitney and Lena were angry when my uncle left my the circus i understand they worked for him for years then suddenly his nephew comes along changing everything Velma:then when Whitney relazied she was caught double crossing her hoping to run away with the jewels and office money Whitney:an di would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids and that dog (the cops drove off with him) (as a car and Limo pulled up) Wulfric:i got your car oh look a train 


Shaggy:mr.Wulfric sir we uh got Lena accomplished and got your amulet back (he gave it back to him) Wulfric:thank you its my fifth favorite (he puts it in with other amulets that look the same) Alex:mom here's your ocean Gem necklace Lilith:thank you Alex (she puts it on) Wulfric:is there anything i can do to repay you

Marius:they won't take money i tried

Wulfric:well there must be something right

Shaggy:well there is one thing (the gang was sitting in a concert hall but Alex) Lilith:well i'm glad your safe but remember what i had said about your career Alex:yes mother i remember Adam:hon let her celebrate with her friends Lillith:of course (she left) Adam:she's just looking out for your career that's all (he kissed her head leaving as well then Alex went in the theater seeing scooby jump on stage) Scooby:Scooby dooby Doo (Alex chuckled)

Alex:that's scooby doo alright. (the end)

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