Getting Circus Roles

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A/N:this is what Alex was wearing

(Alex was wearing a blue gymnastic outfit while the rest of the gang had circus clothes on and they were all in a tent with Marius) Marius:good you all look perfect and now for your roles uh do any of you have circus skills

Fred:i took a circus class last summer

Marius:why aren't i surprised (he sigh) Marius:what did you learn

Fred:i learned a little on the trapeze but i broke a lot of bones

Marius:well you've healed quiet well

Fred:what no not my bones see i was supposed to catch someone but i dropped him onto someone breaking all his bones and someone else bones

Marius:that's terrible but it wasn't your fault right

Fred:no it was but i did earn two things

Marius:what's that

Fred:don't drop people and don't fall

Marius:okay you can be junior second assistant backup trapeze position

Fred:it would be an honor sir

Marius:you are a strange one Fred Jones (he walked to the others)

Marius:anyone else have some talents that might apply

Daphne:i did some motorcycle acts when i was little

Marius:well it takes years of practice to

Daphne:it went like this (she had drove past him on a motorcycle and soon finished the trick) Marius:okay that will do (he walked over to shaggy and scooby) Marius:i don't really do animals in my circus performances but i think i'll make an exception your friend seems really well trained Scooby:oh he is (he got a box of scooby snacks out) Scooby:shake (shaggy shook his paw) Scooby:beg (shaggy got on his knees begging) Scooby:good boy (shaggy stood back up) Marius:for the sake of tradition and for not humiliating yourself shaggy why don't you have scooby doo do the ricks

Shaggy:yeah that's probably a good idea he does more circus tricks more than me show him scoob (scooby did some tricks for Marius then came back to shaggy)Marius:you've taught him all that Shaggy:he tried but i can't get it

Scooby:don't blame blame

Marius:Alex what about you

Alex:my mother made me take gymnastics 

Marius:how good are you on a balance beam

Alex:pretty good

Marius:what about tightrope

Alex:uh maybe

Marius:good you can work with the trapeze

Marius:now where Velma (he saw her hiding behind a curtain he ran to her) Marius:hello Velma:hi

Marius:if your afraid i can put you on churro cart

Velma:no i can do it

Marius:do what

Velma:i don't know something i hope

Marius:well there's knife throwing


Marius:fire eating or fire/knife juggling

Velma:heck no

Marius:ok how about the human comet

Velma:that doesn't sound too bad

Marius:you get shot out of a cannon

Vema:oh can we go back to the juggling (they walked out of the tent) Marius:i have to get everyone prepared be back here in the morning Shaggy:great what time Marius:five o'clock (shaggy laughed as he left) Shaggy:thats funny i thought he had said five o- (he saw the rest of the gang wasn't laughing) Shaggy:oh he's serious isn't he


Scooby:i got a bad feeling about this (they all went to bed).

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