Werewolf Unmasked

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(it was the night of the performance everyone was in costume and calm but Marius) Marius:were not ready Fred:its okay calm down

Marius:calm down we can't find Ashabult i mean look at his trailer (they saw it was trashed) Marius:there's obviously been a struggle

Velma:hate to say it but the werewolf has struck again

Oliverio:you (they saw Oliverio angrily come out of the shadows) Oliverio:where is she
Fred:she Alex:i think ge's talking about Lena Oliverio:i know you and her are planning on running away with eachother Fred:what no (alex stepped in front of Oliverio) Alex:trust me Oliverio fred has no class with the ladies i mean seriously he's as dense as a coconut Fred:hey i'm right here Oliverio:you've got a point okay so where is she (whitney walked over to them) Whitney:some of my baboons are gone from their cages

Alex:did you leave the cage unlocked

Whitney:no course not i have a set of keys to lock it and unlock it

Marius:okay fred you will be doing the trapeze with Oliverio but the rest (he started pacing) Marius:okay we just need to get through the show and figure what happened to everyone (he took a breath) Marus:okay Whitney we'll be doing an animal act for the middle part of the show with Alex

Whitney:yes i'll go get Leone ready (he left) (time skip) (everyone was behind the curtain watch Wulfric,his band,Phil and Alex parents walk in wearing and greeting each other) Velma:there here Shaggy:uh you know Alex you know your mother is actually taller than i imagined

Alex:you thought she was shorter

Scooby:kinda yeah

Marius:okay everything is set but you need to remember one thing- (he was suddenly taken by the werewolf only leaving his hat) Fred:Marius (they saw him gone as Fred picked up his hat) Whitney:oh dingo dinner what do we do without the ringleader (Sisko ran in honking his horn) Fred:Sisko is right the show must go on

Shaggy:but what of the werewolf Fred:oh don't worry i have a plan (soon fred walked out wearing the ringleader suit and hat) Fred;ladies and gentlemen with the finest talent across the ten continents

Lilith:isn't there only seven continents

Wulfric:they discover news things everyday Fred:i present the Brancusi Circus (daphne had drove in on the motorcycle and did her routine then stopped) Daphne:and now Oliverio and Fred (the crowd cheered as a light in the two that were on the platform) fred:is the net tight enough liverio:i don't know maybe the second assistant back up trapeze didn't double check it Fred:what oh yeah thats mean (After their act they landed back on the platform) Fred:you didn' let me fall Oliverio:of course i may have been jealous but i'm not crazy jealous (they crowd cheered as the bowed) (another small skip to Alex part) (Leone roared as Alex and Whitny ran beside him as they saw rings of fire in front of them) Alex:okay so all i have to do is jumped in the rings of fire while Leone chases me i do a small flip on that bar landing on Leone back (she looked at Whitney) Alex:is that even safe Whitney:yes it's completely safe i think it's been so long Alex:wait what (Whitney shot a starting gun as Alex ran jumpigg through the rings of fire thenjumping on the bar doining a flip going in the air landing on Leone back they crowd cheered clapping) Adam:that's our daughter (then suddenly the two wolves appeared growling at the crowd making Leone run letting Alex fall) Whitney:hes a scaredy cat Fred:now (velma pulled a rope letting a sandbag fall on one of the wolves) Whitney:is it (it snarled at them making them scream and run as more werewolves run at the crowd trying to grabbed the jewels) Wulfric:this is what i've been waiting for 

Adam:really there real you (a sandbag fell onto the wolf s Daphne rode n the motorcycle and tying it up the tieing the rope to a pole) Daphne:well change you back to normal soon Schmatko (a werewolf dressed in Marius clothing growled at her) Daphne:uh oh (she getting off the motorcycle making tit and the two new werewolves chased her then the main one grabbed the two jewels) Alex:hey ge away from my mom (Alex cut a second rope making a third sandbag fall but the wolf had tore the jewels off their necks and started to run towards Alex) Alex:oh damn it (she screamed running away with it chasing her)

Adam:are you okay Lilith

Lilith:i'm alright (Wulfric saw the rest of his band had left) Wulfric:they all left except for you phil thanks Phil:no problem sir (Alex had ran towards Shaggy,Scooby and Whitney) Scooby:don't bring it to us (they began to ran but was stopped by the wolf in Warius clothes) Shaggy:were dead so dead (whitney blew a silver whistle) Scooby:what is that 

Whitney:a wolf whistle i thought it would work (they ran splitting up it chased scooby) Shaggy:hang on scoob (it grabbed the wolfs arm but he tore its fur off revealing red fur underneath) Shaggy:red fur (it snarled at him he screamed and ran with it chasing him) Alex:did he just say red fur (scooby and Alex went to the piece of werewolf fur) Scooby:Alex look (she gasped seeing that all the baboons are missing) Alex:there baboons (the wolves had them cornered as Alex and Scooby ran to them) Scooby:shaggy there baboons Shaggy:baboon hey there the trained Whitney:what (shaggy dodge a swipe from it as Whitney said the spanish word making them all stop sitting but one was sti trying to get Velma) Whitney:hey you took my bamboo whistle (the werewolf ran) Velma:oh no you don't (Velma pt a helmet on getting in the cannon) Velma:pull the lever fred Fred:you sure Velma:do it (he pulled the lever launching her in the sky ladning on the wolf as Wulfric clapped)

Wulfric:best human comet ever (the gang and Whitney followed her as she took off the mask revealing Lena) Lena:ow that was glued on you know Velma:it's Lena alright (Velma took off the whistle she had used as Lena had gotten up making velma fall as she grabbed a pole pointing it at them) Lena:stay back you won't take us that easily (she suddenly fainted with Ashambult caughting her) Fred:what did you do Ahambult:its okay i just tranquilized her with doubleday tranquilizer gun he keeps around just in case animals get out of control Whitney:true just in case the baboons get into a fight

Velma:what are those rope

Ashambult:Ashambult was tied up so i bust through them but they were thick ropes so it took hours Alex:where did you come from Ashambult:there there in storage shed (soon the police came taking the unconscious Lena away) Detective:man you used a horse tranquilizer Ashambult:i didn't load the thing

Marius:how is she

Detective:she might be out for hours heck days even Wulfric:where did my amulet go

Lilith:and my priceless gem necklace

Detective:i've got men looking for them but if we don't well question Lena when she gets up

Marius:my circs is supposed to be in Philadelphia tomorrow will that be fine

Detective:it should be but we'll call if we have any questions (the detective left)

Wulfric:you Alex were amazing same with that Whitney fellow

Alex:thanks sir.

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