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Making you guys scroll down a lot just for fun😃

Almost there

Jenna's pov-

I think I just fell in love all over again..

Not saying that I wasn't still in love with her but I just fell harder than I ever had before.

Something about her being sad makes me want to run up to her and hug her and tell her it's going to be okay.

I miss her.

I miss us.


I think I'm gonna tell y/n I still love her. I cant go a year without her. I need her.

But I need some good friends of mine to help me.

Yup. Nezza vereena pami fabio and alex.

"Hey guys?" I say. Y/n is currently at the store getting snacks for our movie night. She wanted to go alone since she wanted to surprise us with the snacks she's getting.

They all look up from their phones. "I still love y/n." I say softly. They all start yelling and going crazy saying that they knew it. "Jenna she loves you too dude!" Pami says.

"I know you might not like me since you've probably seen me be touchy with y/n on camera but it's just how I am. I like touch and everytime I'm with her she always says now she's going to make another song about you. The last songs that she's made are about you. Don't tell her i told you that though.." pami says.

"It's true. You know I'm her best friend. She says how she's still deeply in lo-" Fabio tries to say before the door opens.

"Hey guys!" Y/n says taking her shoes off. "Look at the snacks I brought!" She says sitting next to me while the rest come to check what's in the bag.

Fabio looks and me and smirks and I feel myself start to blush.

Timeskip- one week later

Y/n pov-

I'm in my mini studio now by myself since I want me time. I already know what I'm going to sing and how I want it. So ima start on it now.

Perro abandonado- Iván cornejo

"¿Cuántos meses han pasado y no me olvido de ti?
Varias páginas en mi calendario que voltié
Siempre hallas tu camino adentro de mi mente
Me encantaba cómo me decías cosas al oído
Cuando en el cuarto, cuando bailábamos y sudamos un chingo
Escuchando unos corridos
Jugaste con mis sentimientos
Te volviste mi gran lamento
Y ojalá que no les digas todos los chistes que te decía
Y los secretos, esos siempre llevo
En mi corazón solo vives tú
Me dejaste bien dañado
Como un perro abandonado
Si supieras cuánto sufrí
Al verte ir de mí
Sin importar lo que yo iba a sentir
Jugaste con mis sentimientos
No duermo, te quedaste en mi cerebro
Y ojalá que no les digas todos los chistes que te decía
Y los secretos, esos siempre llevo
En mi corazón solo vives tú
Me dejaste bien dañado
Como un perro abandonado" i sing as the song ends.

How many months have passed and I don't forget you?
Several pages in my calendar that I turned over
You always find your way into my mind
I loved it when you said things in my ear
When in the bedroom, when we danced and we sweated a lot
Listening to some corridos
You played with my feelings
You became my great regret
And I hope you don't tell them all the jokes I used to tell you
And the secrets, those I always carry in my heart
You're the only one who lives
You left me damaged
Like an abandoned dog
If you knew how much I suffered watching you leave me
No matter what I was going to feel
You played with my feelings
You became my great regret
And I hope you don't tell them all the jokes I used to tell you
And the secrets, those I always carry in my heart
You're the only one who lives
You left me damaged
Like an abandoned dog" I sing.

I stop the song and go over parts I didn't like and re do them.

Timeskip- 3 days later

I know I have worked on a lot of music but it's a way that I use to cope. But today I'm helping Jenna start her music career. I showed Jenna the song I worked on 3 days ago and she liked it. I sent it through messages and she hasn't stop playing it ever since.

In the studio it's me Jenna Fabio and alex. "Okay so we got the instrumental do you guys have the lyrics?" Alex asks. "Yeah I do." Jenna says. "Damn Jen. You working faster than me." I say to her making her laugh. "I Can Just come up with something after what she sings." I say grabbing both of us our headphones.

We're in an actual studio that we rented out for today and they have a small soundproof room to go into. That's the room me and Jenna are going into right now.

She wrote parts for me that she wanted me to sing at the same time with her so I'll do that too.

Inseparables-Ivan cornejo & yahritza

"De las noches que pasamos
Nadie podrá separarnos" she sings

"Diles que tú, a mí, me quieres
Y que es difícil sin no verme" i sing

"Manejando por las noches, pensando si voy a verte" we sing

"Escuchando "Perro Abandonado", así me dejaste" she sings

"Yo solo quiero lo bueno para ti
Allá tú si te alejas de mí" i sing

"De mí, de mí, de mí
Y allá tú" we sing

"Yo esperando tu llamada
Desesperado tocando la guitarra" she sings

"Y mis padres dicen que no te quieren
Porque dicen que no me mereces" i sing

"No me importa, voy a seguir hasta que seas mía" we sing

"Quiero que me abraces como lo hacías antes
Quiero que me ahogue en tu calor
¿Qué no sientes mal dejar lo que empezamos?
No volverás a encontrar lo que teníamos" we sing.

From the nights that we spent
Nobody will be able to separate us
Tell them that you love me
And that it's difficult without seeing me
Driving at night, thinking if I'm going to see you
Listening to 'Perro Abandonado', that's how you left me
I only want good for you
It's up to you if you walk away from me

From me, from me, from me
It's up to you

I'm waiting for your call
Desperate, playing the guitar
And my parents say that they don't love you
Because they say that you don't deserve me

I don't care, I'm going to continue until you're mine
I want you to hug me like you were doing before
I want to drown in your warmth
Don't you feel bad to leave what we started?
You won't find what we were having
From me, from me, from me
It's up to you

Time skip-

Now that me and Jenna made that song together we are doing the music video and for this one we have to be very very very touchy..

I have so much planned for this story. I don't think you guys are ready.

1225 words.

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