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Jenna "MISSED" y/n. Like let's be fr you haven't talked to her In forever.


it's now Sunday and I'm doing another 2 interviews with genius for the song valió madre and J.

I do poses for the intro and the video starts.

"Valió madre was made because it's about a certain woman *cough cough* who has been left heartbroken by her lover. The song describes how the woman's lover has moved on to someone else and the woman reminisces about the good times they shared and how she gave her all her love, only to be left with nothing. The pain of the breakup is so intense that she turns to alcohol to forget her. The song is a poignant reminder of the power of love and how it can leave us feeling lost and alone when it ends." I say to the camera as I move on to singing the lyrics and my thoughts behind them.

"Ya andas con otro güey, Le dices las mismas cosas que me decías, Me jurabas todo." I sing.

"Okay so I'm gonna come clean and say this song is about me. Literally every song I make is always about me but this is me seeing a certain someone with another person and I saw a YouTube video that they made together and she was saying the same things that she would tell me. So seeing that really hurt me." I say.

"Valió madre ya, Agarré la botella, pa' olvidarte, Borrarme tu rostro" i sing.

"For legal reasons this is a joke but i would PRETEND to drink and drink my problems away and i would get drunk to forget her. AGAIN THIS IS A JOKE!" I say laughing.

"Se te hizo fácil, Salirte de una relación bien bonita, Que duró un buen tiempo" i sing

"So many of you guys seen that the certain someone moved on to someone very quick and it was a very nice relationship so thats why it's hard for ME to move on from her. Again. If you know, you know." I say.

"Mami, cada beso que tú a mí me dabas, Eran venenosos que yo me quedaba, Y como de menso, caí por tu amor." I sing.

"So like hypothetically if she were to give me a kiss again after the break I would think she is in love again but she would probably end up using me so HYPOTHETICALLY I would go back and fall for her love again." I say knowing this actually happened.

"Malo para nada fui, te di cariño, Cuando ocupabas de mí, corriendo fui yo, Para abrazarte, saber si estabas bien, Y ojalá en otra vida seas como cuando te conocí, amor" i sing.

"So basically if she were to be hurt by that person and if she would call me first I would definitely be there to help her and I would hold her and tell her everything's okay. But in reality I want the old her back. The one I fell for. I mean don't get me wrong, I still love her by the way she is but what I mean by 'the one I fell for' i mean that when she was in love with me too." I say.

"El dolor por dentro me mata cada día, Y ya no puedo ni salir del cuarto, Tú sigue en tu vida, que yo seguiré triste con la mía, Recordando todo." I sing.

"So I just got out from my break of social media and while I was on my break I wouldn't leave my house. I would only stay in my room or my mini studio. While all of that was going on I'm pretty sure the girl I wrote this about was with her other person. So she continued her life while I continued mine with just a shitload of sadness." I say laughing.

"Mami, cada beso que tú a mí me dabas, Eran venenosos que yo me quedaba, Y como de menso, caí por tu amor, Malo para nada fui, te di cariño, Cuando ocupabas de mí, corriendo fui yo, Para abrazarte, saber si estabas bien, Y ojalá en otra vida seas como cuando te conocí, amor." I sing.

I do the outro and once I finish with that they start a new recording for my other song J.

"So the song 'J.' Is about my past relationship that failed. I express my love for her and how I'll always be there for her even if we're on bad terms and she told me about her past relationships and how she didn't think they were in love with her but when we started dating I knew that I was going to love her and how I'm the first person to truly love her. I also express my anger to the guy she's with." I say explaining the song.

"Yo era tu vaso cuando tenías sed
Como en la mañana, yo era tu café
Yo era una abeja y tú eras mi miel
Conectamos bien, te lo juro, bebé." I sing.

"This part of the song just says how we were a perfect duo and we were always there for eachother and I'd always be her energy." I say.

"Yo te levantaba con tanto amor
Yo te ayudaba a olvidar el dolor
Yo fui el primero con verdadero amor, El que te enseñó mejor."

"Everytime i would wake her up it would either be with food, kisses, hugs, and even small gifts. For me the entire relationship felt like I still had a massive crush on her. Before we dated she told me how other guys or girls didn't treat her right so I showed her how she should be treated." I say.

"Donde quiera que yo voy, yo siempre te veo, Tú eras mi gran adicción, mi droga, yo era tu fuego, Quiero que te trate con respeto ese pendejo, Mi amor no se acaba porque está hecho de fuego." I sing.

"So the first part means that like everything reminds me of her. You know? And how she's my addiction like I'm addicted to her in a way. I also want the new guy to treat her with respect like I did to her. My love also won't ever end like fire. It's hard to put out fire so my love for her will be hard to get rid of." I say.

"Quisiera empezar otro capítulo contigo, Yo sé que es imposible, pero nunca me rajaré, En encontrarte otra vez, Y poderte amarte como antes" i sing

"Like I said in the song, i want to start another chapter with her. I mean we were together ever since highschool and I wanted to ask her to marry me soon, but now that she's with someone else it's basically impossible and if it was possible then it would be hard to love the same person after what they did to me. Not saying she did anything bad tho!" I say covering my mouth.

"Qué triste, me dejaste con las ganas, Pensé que era tú y yo hasta el final." I sing.

"Obviously the first relationship you have will look perfect in your eyes and you think 'oh maybe we will work out and last forever!' But then it ends. I mean I'm glad we lasted this long." I say.

"Ay, cómo quisiera presumirte a mis papás, Porque sé cuánto ellos te iban a amar." I sing.

"I know people that know us are gonna be like, 'but y/n she did meet your Parents.' Yeah she did. But I'm saying that if we kept it from them I knew they would still love her either way." I say.

The video ends and I leave the place and go to Fabio's house.

Jenna's pov-

So over these past few days I made a new friend and her name is Hailee. She's an actor and she also sings. Since y/n is busy I can't have her show me how to make music so I'm having Hailee show me.

"So do you want to make a song about you?" She asks me. "Yeah I want to write the song about my past relationship." I say. "Is it going to be about y/n?" She asks teasingly. "Shut up." I say.

Short Timeskip-

I wrote the lyrics down and found the audio to go with it and it's literally midnight but we are going to keep going.

How do we feel about the song 'back to December by Taylor swift'?

Get ready for flashbacks of y/n and Jenna in their relationship..

1435 words.

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