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The music is out and people love it. Chris wants me to translate it for him but lied and told him I was busy.

I feel bad because he didn't want Jenna to ruin us but I just can't see them together. He treats her so well. I cant mess that up.

"Hey y/n you wanna be on our vlog?" Chris asks me.

I'm in my room making an instrumental and it's going good so far.

"Uhhh I don't know I'm working on a song right now." I say bopping my head to the beat. "Come on y/n/n. You haven't hung out with us in a while, and by us I mean me. Why won't you hang out with me anymore?" Chris says.

I pause the beat to look at him and see him genuinely sad.

"I'm sorry but it's just that I'm busy. You know how passionate I am about music chris." I say to him while resting the headphones on my shoulder.

"Yeah but your never busy for Matt or nick." He says.

"It's because when I'm not busy it's when your not home. Like yesterday, I wasn't busy at night since I had worked on lyrics during the day time so I spent time with Nick and Matt. I asked them if you were home but they told me you were at Jenna's." I say telling the truth.

"You know I always spend the night at Jenna's." He says starting to raise his voice at me a little.

"No Chris, I don't." I say.

"Then where do you think I sleep?? Do you think I just stopped sleeping in your room because I'm dating your ex girlfriend?" He says with anger.

"Chris this isn't about her."

"Yeah sure. Ever since I started dating her you've been acting weird with me. I asked Nick and Matt if they thought the same thing but they didn't. You only changed with me! Why! I used to be your favorite out of them 3!"

"Chris I never said that. But I do like spending time with you more than with them, but like I said I'm busy. Not today." I say.

"Yeah whatever." He says walking out of my room and slamming the door.


I have another concert in 2 days which means I'm going to fly out to nyc today. Yes my show is in nyc. After that we're getting a tour bus and yeah.

The people coming with me are Fabio, Alex, nick, Matt, Chris, pami, nessa, vereena, Caleb and maybe Hailee if she wants to. I still need to ask her.

But knowing Chris I think he'd want Jenna to come.

I'm packing all my clothes and my guitar and my laptop, microphone, just In case I want to make music on the ride.

Our flight isn't until a few hours so I'm going to play around with my guitar to cure my boredom.


So I was just fooling around with my guitar and I actually found something which is surprising.

Knock knock

I put my guitar Down and go up to the door to open it to see Hailee at the door.

"Hey Hailee!" I say with a smile appearing on my face. "Hey y/n/n! I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out." She says to me smiling.

I look at the time on my phone and see that it's almost time to head to the airport. Perfect time to ask her.

"Oh um I would love to but I have to catch a flight in a few." I say making her smile fade away. "But I was meaning to ask you if you wanted to come on tour with me- I MEAN US!" I say.

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