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What a lovely ending to last chapter. Now that we got what you guys wanted I'm making you guys suffer now.

One week later-
Y/n pov-

One week. Nothing. I've heard fucking nothing from Jenna after that night. I hate this bro.

I wanna text her but at the same time I don't. I feel like it was a waste of time.

Jenna's pov-

I'm with adin right now. He said he was sorry and I forgave him. We are at the arcade right now and I'm having so much fun. The thing I hate is that fucking paparazzis are here. But that won't stop me from having fun with him.

Timeskip- 3 weeks later

Y/n's pov-

Time to make more music!!! Not happy at all. I took a break from social media but me making music doesn't mean I'm going back on social media. Ever since Jenna was seen with adin I couldn't take it anymore. The only people that know what is going on with me is my friend group. That being nezza vereena pami alex and fabio.

They are for real like family. I would die for them. I could never hide from them. Especially Alex and vereena. They live right next to me.

"How you doing though?" Nezza asks me. "I don't know. I feel like she used me for my body and for her advantage." I say looking down at my fingers and trying to peel the skin off. We are currently in my mini studio. "If it makes you feel better Jenna told us she was still in love with you." Fabio says. "FABIO?!" Nezza shouts. "What it's true!" He says.

"If she loves me than she wouldn't have ghosted me after that. It's been a month and she still hasn't texted me. I don't want to seem desperate but I am." I say. "But it's whatever. I wanna make songs. It's why y'all are here no?" I say and they all nod.

I grab my headphone and go up to the mic.

Valió madre- Eslabon armado

Ya andas con otro güey
Le dices las mismas cosas que me decías
Me jurabas todo
Valió madre ya
Agarré la botella pa' olvidarte
Borrarme tu rostro
Se te hizo fácil
Salirte de una relación bien bonita
Que duró un buen tiempo
Mami, cada beso que tú a mí me dabas
Eran venenosos que yo me quedaba
Y como de menso, caí por tu amor
Malo para nada fui, te di cariño
Cuando ocupabas de mí, corriendo fui yo
Para abrazarte, saber si estabas bien
Y ojalá en otra vida seas como cuando te conocí, amor
El dolor por dentro me mata cada día
Y ya no puedo ni salir del cuarto
Tú sigue en tu vida, que yo seguiré triste con la mía
Recordando todo
Mami, cada beso que tú a mí me dabas
Eran venenosos que yo me quedaba
Y como de menso, caí por tu amor
Malo para nada fui, te di cariño
Cuando ocupabas de mí, corriendo fui yo
Para abrazarte, saber si estabas bien
Y ojalá en otra vida seas como cuando te conocí, amor

You're already with another guy
You tell him the same things that you were telling me
You were swearing everything to me
But it's worthless now
I grabbed the bottle to forget you
To erase your face
It was easy for you
To leave a beautiful relationship
That lasted a long time
Babe, every kiss that you were giving me
They were poisonous but I was staying
like a fool
I fell for your love
I wasn't bad for anything, I gave you affection
Whenever you were needing me, I was there for you
To hug you, to know if you were okay
And I hope in another life you'll be like when I met you, love
The pain inside kills me every day
And I can't even leave the room
You continue with your life, while I continue sad with mine
Remembering everything
Babe, every kiss that you were giving me
They were poisonous but I was staying
And like a fool
I fell for your love
I wasn't bad for anything, I gave you affection
Whenever you were needing me, I was there for you
To hug you, to know if you were okay
And I hope in another life you'll be like when I met you..love

J.- Ivan cornejo

Yo era tu vaso cuando tenías sed
Como en la mañana, yo era tu café
Yo era una abeja y tú eras mi miel
Conectamos bien, te lo juro, bebé
Yo te levantaba con tanto amor
Yo te ayudaba a olvidar el dolor
Yo fui el primero con verdadero amor
El que te enseñó mejor
Donde quiera que yo voy, yo siempre te veo
Tú eras mi gran adicción, mi droga, yo era tu fuego
Quiero que te trate con respeto ese pendejo
Mi amor no se acaba porque está hecho de fuego
Donde quiera que yo voy, yo siempre te veo
Tú eras mi gran adicción, mi droga, yo era tu fuego
Quiero que te trate con respeto ese pendejo
Mi amor no se acaba porque está hecho de fuego
Porque está hecho de fuego
Quisiera empezar otro capítulo contigo
Yo sé que es imposible, pero nunca me rajaré
En encontrarte otra vez
Y poderte amarte como antes
Qué triste, me dejaste con las ganas
Pensé que era tú y yo hasta el final
Ay, cómo quisiera presumirte a mis papás
Porque sé cuánto ellos te iban a amar
Donde quiera que yo voy, yo siempre te veo
Tú eras mi gran adicción, mi droga, yo era tu fuego
Quiero que te trate con respeto ese pendejo
Mi amor no se acaba porque está hecho de fuego
Porque está hecho de fuego

I was your glass when you were thirsty
Like in the morning, I was your coffee
I was a bee and you were my honey
We connected well, I swear, baby
I was waking you up with so much love
I was helping you forget the pain
I was the first with true love
The one who taught you best
Wherever I go, I always see you
You were my great addiction, my drug, I was your fire
I want that asshole to treat you with respect
My love doesn't end because it's made of fire
Wherever I go, I always see you
You were my great addiction, my drug, I was your fire
I want that asshole to treat you with respect
My love doesn't end because it's made of fire
Because it's made of fire
I'd like to start another chapter with you
I know that it's impossible, but I'll never give up
To find you again
And be able to love you like before
How sad, you left me wanting
I thought that it was you and me until the end
How I'd like to show you off to my parents
Because I know how much they were going to love you
Wherever I go, I always see you
You were my great addiction, my drug, I was your fire
I want that asshole to treat you with respect
My love doesn't end because it's made of fire
Because it's made of fire

The audio stops and I put the head phones away. We go over parts we like and what we don't. "Y/n do you plan on making an album?" Pami asks me. "I don't know. But when I come back to social media I wanna go on tour. I would want you guys to come and Fabio can host it with me!" I say getting happy. "Dude we should! Imagine how fun that would be!" Fabio says. "We could start planning right now if you guys are willing to do it." I say.


Timeskip- 3 months later..

I think I should go back on the internet again. Me and fabio came up with the tour name and we called it terapia tour. (therapy tour) The reason for the name is because we both went through our first break up almost at the same time and we helped eachother get through it. But that's another story for another day.

Right now I'm at a house in a living room that has a table in between me and an older lady. The table in between us has a chess game. We are filming the announcement for the tour and since it's the first post in forever I wanna make it special. I deleted all of the pictures on my Instagram and I archived the ones of me and Jenna since I don't want to lose those.

The lady in front of me acts like my therapist and I am getting therapy. It's like a short film.

I'm wearing a black button up along with black cargos and black air force's. I also have a chess piece in my hand.

"ACTION!" The guy behind the camera says.

Take this chapter while i sit in a room for 3 hours just for a test😍🫶

1528 words.

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