❄️ Chapter 5 - Mink ❄️

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Mink squealed. Snowfall, her big sister, and Queen, had just told her that she was going to Jade Mountain Academy.

Mink couldn't have been more excited. Going there like Prince Winter was her biggest dream.

"Remember, Mink." Snowfall started, claws glittering from all the rings on her talons. "We cannot share what with the other tribes?"

Mink rolled her eyes. This was the fifth time today that Snowfall made her repeat this. "We won't share any IceWing secrets."

"Good. Let's go." Snowfall started to walk faster, then paused. She looked at her talons. "Here," she started, slipping off one of her sapphire rings.

She handed it to Mink, who held it gently in her palms. "Really? For me?"

"Of course. To remember me when you're there." Snowfall continued walking.

Mink scurried after her. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome." Snowfall didn't look back. Just kept walking.

"Are we almost there?" Mink asked.

"We have to fly." Snowfall responded, beating her wings slowly. Mink did the same.

The two IceWings flew in silence. Until Mink had a question.

"Snowfall, is Jade Mountain fun?"

"I don't know."


"I've never been there. Only Winter has."


"Because I was too young."

"Did you talk to Winter about it?"


"Are you sure?"

"YES, Mink. Now shush!"

Mink ducked her head and flew on. The mountain was right ahead.

Snowfall stopped suddenly, and Mink flared her wings out as to not go ahead of the IceWing queen.

"We're here. Remember that ring." Snowfall turned to her sister mid-air.

Mink suddenly felt like she wanted to crawl into a ball and fall to the ocean floor. She'd never been away from Snowfall before.

"You'll be fine." Snowfall rolled her eyes at her sister, but Mink knew she loved her.

"I know." Mink said quietly. "I don't want to be treated like royalty."

"What do you mean?" Snowfall asked. "Being treated like royalty is the best thing you can think of here."

"I don't want to be seen differently because I'm a princess." Mink confessed. "But it's fine. Bye, Snowfall. I'll see you...soon."

Snowfall turned again and sighed. "Goodbye Mink. Remember that there are older IceWings here if you need. Don't feel afraid to ask your classmates for directions, or the teachers questions about work-"

"I got it." Mink stifled a laugh.

"Good. Bye, Mink." Snowfall waved at her sister before flying away into the rising sun.

Alright Mink. Go be brave.

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