🐝 Chapter 29 - Bumblebee 🐝

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Bumblebee had fallen into what could only be described as a shell of herself.

Nestled in her cave, alone.

"Bee?" A voice called. She recognized it as Cliff, but didn't physically get up to see the SkyWing.

"Bumblebee, we're worried about you." Dusky called, poking his head around the corner. He winced when he saw Bumblebee.

"You need to get to your classes, Bee." Luna appeared as well. She had stayed a bit longer than planned, to make sure Dusky was alright.

"I don't." Bumblebee mumbled. "Mink won't be there, there isn't any point."

"But we can't control that, alright?" Luna started, walking forwards. "Bee, we're doing everything we can. Sulking won't bring her back, but going out to help look just might."

Bumblebee lifted her head, dizzy. "I would, but I don't feel well." It was true, she was dizzy, spiraling internally, and felt the urge to vomit.

"I'll take you down to the nurses, Bumblebee." Cliff offered, strutting towards her and holding out a talon.

Bumblebee grabbed it, heaving herself up and keeping the urge to vomit inside.

"Thanks, Cliff."


The walk was silent. No one was in the halls, or in any caves.

Probably all at class.

Bumblebee felt Cliff's gaze sweeping over her.

"That isn't why you aren't going to class, is it?" Cliff asked. Bumblebee was confused.


"The Mink thing. I mean, I'm sure it's part of it, but it can't be the whole reason. Bumblebee, you seem a ton more stressed."

"You won't...ridicule me? Or something? If I tell you what's wrong?" Bumblebee was hesitant.

What if he made fun of her?

"Of course not." Cliff seemed appalled she thought that of him. "I would never, not even to my worse enemy."

"Okay." Bumblebee took a deep breath. "Everything seems wrong now. Mink is gone, Auklet and Dusky are different-"

"How different?"

"Auklet just came back from disappearing for a week or something, and Dusky has wings now. That's how different they are."

"Ah." Cliff seemed to quiet down again.

"And I swear, it feels like this school was the worse decision Cricket and me ever decided on." Bumblebee confessed. "Like we're drifting apart from our own friends."

Cliff's wings suddenly wrapped around Bumblebee, resting on her scales. "I would never leave you, Bee. And neither would anyone else."

"You think that?" Auklet came out from the shadows. "Sorry I eavsdropped, but you seemed different, Bumblebee."

Cliff still wrapped Bumblebee in a hug. "I promise you, Bumblebee. I would never in a million years leave you or our Winglet. Not even if I become King of the SkyWings."

"Really?" Bumblebee felt her heart soar, but that feeling didn't last.

"Really." Auklet said sternly.

"We'll find Mink, right?" Bumblebee asked.

Cliff sighed. "Yeah. Yeah we will."

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