🌟 Headcanons!! 🌟

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While I don't have the real motivation to write more than one chapter a week on this, here's some Headcanons!

🍓 Peacemaker 🍓

Appearance: I Headcanon that Peacemaker, as a hybrid, is able to change the color of his wing membrane, frills and eyes. Nothing more. He has rainbow frills at default and when he participates in the RainWing pride parades, he makes his frills and wings the color of the Bisexual Flag.

Sexuality: I Headcanon Peacemaker is Bisexual. The only reason he is Bi and not Gay is because in a future timeline in the books he is with a female dragon to have dragonets together.

Voice: (?) Not too sure about this one.
The Collector - The Owl House

I feel like this just suits him. The playful tone, the straight up menace he can be sometimes, the jokes and the lines that make him sound like he has one braincell...all Peacemaker.

Other: I feel like he would be diagnosed with ADHD if he was a real person 👍

♦️ Cliff ♦️

Appearance: I Headcanon Cliff to be a shade darker than the scales of his mother, Ruby. He also has flame-amber eyes and a very thin figure. I also Headcanon he always wears a flower bracelet from Peacemaker. (I'll bring that into the story later 😉)

Sexuality: Gay, not out to his mother or anyone close except for Peacemaker and the rest of the Winglet. Secretly wishes SkyWings had color changing scales so they could do Pride Parades.

Voice: It's okay, could have been better. I have a slight obsession of used TOH voices as Headcanon voices.
Hunter - The Owl House

Fits well. I imagine he was pretty secretive in the nursery, scared he would reveal SkyWing royalty secrets to the non-royal dragonets.

Other: Nothing really. Maybe the fact that he would sleep with all of his stuffed animals to make none of them lonely? Is that a fact?

🟢 Auklet 🟢

Appearance: I Headcanon Auklet to have dark green scales and almost blue eyes instead of green. Idk maybe because it's like Tsunami or something? Also she was pretty chubby as a young dragonet because Coral spoiled her.

Sexuality: A Straight Ally. She has had no real relationship ideas with anyone other than male dragons. She supports Cliff/Peacemaker and others though!!

Voice: Amity 👍
Amity Blight - The Owl House

The sass. The sass is everything. I imagine Auklet to be sassy but also have a really soft side for her friends. And by sassy I mean Anemone & Tsunami sassy. She got it from her sister(s).

Other: Has to have her favourite food be whale or swordfish. That's her two most popular food options at the castle and she lives for it.

🦋 Dusky 🦋

Appearance: Dusky had dark purple scales with some lighter highlights. Specifically he has a bright blue diamond on his forehead and blue spots near his silk glands. Very skinny and doesn't eat much.

Sexuality: Pansexual. I really imagine Dusky to really not care who he dates/marries/has dragonets with, as long as he loves them and they love him.

Voice: Meh.
Blu - Rio
Could have done better. It sounds a bit too old for Dusky, but just imagine older- Dusky with this voice, okay? Sorry if the voice is a little cut out this was the best video I could find.

Other: Very very very passionate about his hyperfixations. The type of person to go up to you and suggest things multiple times instead of leaving you be.

❄️ Mink ❄️

Appearance: pale icy blue scales. Slight hints of gray but not very much. Mink has little talons and likes painting them with polishes like Nail Polish. Her face is very pointy compared to Snowfall or Crystal.

Sexuality: Straight Ally. Supportive, but straight!

Beelzebub - Helluva Boss
(Think of this voice on older Mink not young Mink please. Also Swear Warning, Spoliers for S. 1, EP. 8 of Helluva Boss)

Other: Mink enjoys Ice sculpture carving so much she asked Snowfall to 'freeze a block of ice so it would stay frozen long enough for the trip to Jade Mountain.' Let's say she was disappointed to hear that her fantasy wasn't possible.

🐝 Bumblebee 🐝

Appearance: Speckled black and yellow similar to Cricket, but the opposite colors. Where there is Yellow on Cricket, there is Black  scales on Bumblebee.

Sexuality: Asexual, Bisexual. NOT AROMANTIC. THATS DIFFERENT. Jeez. Shes had feelings for Auklet and Mink before on two different occasions. She doesn't want dragonets for the fear she'll have to abandon them  or die from something like her own parents did.

Voice: Too hyper I think....
Rainbow Dash - MLP

What can I say, I had an MLP phase when I was little.

Other: Has frequent anxiety attacks and panic attacks. Severe anxiety.

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