🦋 Chapter 21 - Dusky 🦋

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Dusky watched out the window, looking at the clouds lazily pass by the leaf covered windows.

Bumblebee zoomed over Dusky, her tail flicking the top of his head.

"It's time! Come on!"

Dusky was still getting used to his new wings. Flapping them seemed unnatural, and they always decided to weigh him down in class.

"Okay, okay!" Dusky flinched as Bumblebee veered back around to grab him by the talons. "Time for what, though?"

"Something exciting! Webs said he would let us have a free break instead of class and I want to show you something!"

"Is it Auklet?" Dusky asked hopefully. "Please say it's Auklet! Is she back yet?"

Bumblebee's voice faded as she stopped rambling on. "No. No it's not. I'm sorry, Dusky."

Dusky's heart seemed to shatter. No matter when he remembered Auklet was gone, everything felt like it didn't matter anymore.

"I'm really sorry." Bumblebee murmured before grabbing him by the talons. "But it's still exciting!"

Dusky didn't think so, but flapping into the sky, he soared at Bumblebee's side.

They tipped over trees and dived above lakes as Bumblebee lead him to...the other side of Jade Mountain.

"Where are we going again?" Dusky fought to keep up with the bubbly HiveWing as she dove to the floor.

"You'll see!" Bumblebee landed slowly, Dusky following. Trees surrounded them on every direction.

Dusky didn't like that answer. He wanted to know now so if it wasn't worth it, he could go straight back to wishing Auklet was back.

"Surprise!" A collage of voices shrieked. Dusky nearly turned tail and ran away in fright. Bumblebee flapped some vines and trees out of the way.

A banner lay on the ground, made of glowing silk. Luna, Cliff, Peacemaker and Bumblebee shouted suprise at him. The banner said 'Happy Metamorphosis!'.

Dusky didn't know what to say. Opening his jaws to respond, he couldn't find the words.

And then he ran away.

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