❄️ Chapter 22 - Mink ❄️

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Mink blinked herself awake.

She was somewhere she wasn't meant to be.

It was dark, crowded, quiet, almost serene.

"Hello?" She called into the darkness that engulfed the world around her. "Is anyone there?"

A SandWing perched ahead (that Mink recognized as Jackal) spoke. "I'm here."

Mink took a closer look at him, squinting his eyes. He looked thin, looked like he hadn't eaten in days.

"Are you...okay?" Mink blurted out, her eyes scanning for other dragons in the darkness.

"No. I haven't been okay. Fog is probably looking for me as we speak!" Jackal hissed. "And the rest of the Gold Winglet!"

Mink shrunk back at the sudden hostility. "We'll get back. I'm sure."

No, I'm not. But it won't hurt to hope.

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