Our Song

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Troy's POV

I've only been married for about almost a year now. I'm still having a hard time processing the fact that I married my best friend and love of my life. I don't want to imaging world without Chloe in it. She's like the missing piece to a puzzle. We all know that you can't even complete a puzzle without all the pieces.

I heard Chad say that she changed his life when she met him. That girl has the power to make someone feel like they matter. She always wants to be friends with everyone that she sees. There's nothing that she wouldn't do for her friends. Well the new girl is not one of her friends for obvious reasons.

I don't blame Chloe not wanting to be friends with her. I wouldn't want to after the way she's been treating both me and Chloe. I was very happy that I went off on the new girl the other day on the rooftop. She deserved every word that I said to her that day.

But I'm proud of Chloe for telling me what happened to her one day on the honeymoon. I wanted to punch something but the more Chloe told me the more I realized it wasn't her fault. I can't imagine what it must be like not knowing what happened if you go downstairs for a drink. She was brave enough to say what happened to me so that's good enough.

I don't need to hunt the guy down if she doesn't even know what he looked like. I just can't believe that it happened to her on what was supposed to be a happy memory. I didn't even know what to ask her next that's what was killing me. What do you ask someone that has something horrible happen to them.

What would be the next question? Are you okay? Do you need help? No you don't ask that stuff when you already know the answer. But I guess it's just hope that they might say something else. That never happened when Chloe told me her story. I could already tell what she was going to say next just by looking at her.

I didn't like the feeling of knowing she was in danger and I couldn't do anything because it was already over. But she still has to live with that feeling for a while. The feeling that it was her fault when it wasn't. She had no idea that would happen to her. It could have happened to anyone. She just happened to be the victim of that horrible situation.

I know she's safe now, but that fact that I wasn't there to stop it from happening is what kills me. I wish I could have prevented that from happening to her. But I couldn't because I was asleep in bed the entire time. The whole night I thought she was with me. But she wasn't she had been the victim of someone forcing themselves on her.

The worst part is she couldn't do a thing about it because she didn't even know that it was happening to her until she woke up outside of someone's hotel room. I can't help but wonder if whoever did it just put her outside a random hotel room to shift the blame. No I can't think like that I just need to be there for Chloe right now.

That's pretty much all I can do is be there when she needs me. I don't care how bad it is and she just needs to vent I'll be there to listen. Sometimes all you can do for someone is just sit there and listen to what they have to say. You never know if they just need someone to listen to what they have to say. That's what I'm doing for Chloe is listening and trying to understand.

Right now Chloe is sound asleep in my arms. She's had a few nightmares but she still falls back asleep. That's a good thing because I'd hate for her to be up all night because of a nightmare. She has woken up crying a few times and I was there to tell her everything's fine.

I saw Chloe quickly sit up and gasp for air almost like she couldn't breathe.

"Hey what's wrong? You okay babe?"

"Yeah just a bad dream is all."

"Wanna talk about it?"


"Okay come here. Tell what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours. I don't care what is or how mad you think I'm going to be. You can tell me anything Chloe I love you no matter what. I don't want you to think that whatever this is about that it won't make me love you anymore because that's never going to be true."

She eventually calmed down and told me what it was that startled her awake. It surprised me at first but then I remembered that it's just a dream. I told her that what happened in her dream wouldn't happen when she wakes up.

She did tear up telling me about it. I held on to her and told her everything is fine. I hugged her from behind while I was laying on the bed. I held her close to me so she would know that I'm there and I haven't left her.

Right now it's time to go to school. So I woke up Chloe so we could get dressed and ready for the day. I laughed when she rolled off the bed and flipped me off. She's a funny human being when she wants to be.

After she got dressed and ate breakfast she was in a better mood. We got I my truck and headed off to school. When we got there we went straight to the theater for rehearsal. Chloe is the only reason I'm in this thing. I can't say to her all she does is look at me and suddenly it's like I'm falling in love with her all over again.

I'm sitting on the piano with Chloe while we sing the new song they Kelsey wrote for me and Chloe. It's a pretty good song I can't deny that. It's the prefect song for me Chloe. I did get a little carried away and started to climb the on the seats. I then climbed on the tree that still had wet paint on it. I then proceeded to try and get Chloe with my paint covered hands but that plan quickly failed when she found the paint brush.

She tried to get away but I caught her before she could get too far. I grabbed her from behind and spun her around. She's my best friend and my beautiful wife. I heard a laugh come from Chloe and I looked over and saw that Chad was dressed like a clown. I wonder who talked him into doing that.

It couldn't have been Chloe because she was too busy singing with me. Then again Chad would do anything just to get out of doing something. I just hope Chad has clothes on under that clown outfit.

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