Safe And Sound

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Troy's POV

it's been forty eight hours and there's still no update on Chloe. I'm getting worried by the minute. I keep checking to see if there's a missed call from the police. But so far nothing. I just want her back home where I know she's safe.

It's the middle of the day and I have to get ready for the show tonight. But I don't know that I can, not knowing where Chloe is. But I know that Chloe would want me to do the show. 

I was about to leave and go down to the school and get ready for the show when there was a knock on my door. I opened the door and saw the cops standing there.

"Are you Troy Bolton?"

"Yes sir."

"We have an update in your wife and we wanted you to be the first to know"


"We have a location for her and we're about to and get her. We thought that you would want to that we have found your wife. We promise to bring her back safe and sound to you. We're going to get her checked out by a doctor as well in case she may have some serious injuries. After we get her checked out by a doctor we'll get her back to you. Since you will be in the middle of a show we will bring her up to the school. And we'll take her backstage for you. She may want to perform in the show and she may not it's all up to her if she does."

"Can I go with you guys to get her out of there?"

"I would love to say yes but I can't allow that Mr.Bolton. Her parents are very dangerous and we can't risk your safety. But we promise to get her back to you as quickly as possible."

"Thank you, so much. I can't wait to have her back here at home."

I followed the officers out the door and got in my truck. I went up to the school and ran in there. I had to tell them the good news. It won't be long before Chloe is back in my arms. She'll need me and I'll be there for her. I won't let her out of my sight.

Chloe deserves the world and I plan on giving it to her. She doesn't deserve what's happening to her. All that I care about is her safety. The fact that she got taken and I wasn't there to stop it makes me sick. When I see her I'm going to take care of her. I'm going to make her feel safe again.

I don't care that she was put through hell. All I care about is getting her home safe. When I see her I'll make it my mission to help her know that this wasn't her fault. She is going to know that I love her despite this happening to her.

I'll do anything for her she's my world. I've been there for her though everything that has happened. I don't plan on making her feel
Like she's alone in this because there's no way that will ever be true.

Right now I'm in my truck and in my way to the school. I still have to perform tonight so I can't be there for Chloe when she gets out of that horrible place. I wanted to be the first face that she sees but that won't happen tonight. I'll still be more than happy to see my wife. Maybe I'll perform better with her. I keep messing up all the songs. So maybe seeing her face will again will help with that problem.

I parked the truck and walked inside the school and made my way to the theater. When I got there I went to go tell everyone the good news. I hope to god that Chloe is back with me before I have to go on stage. The first person I saw was Ms.D so I told her that soon enough Chloe will back in my arms.

I then made my way backstage and told Sharpay and Chad that we'll have Chloe back with us in no time. They all cheered and hugged and we went to the dressing rooms to get ready. When I got in mine I shut the door and slid my back down it. I pulled my knees up to my chest and put my head in my hands.

I tried not to break down from how much I missed her. I'm ready to see her again but I can't even begin to imagine the all things that she had to go through. I ran a land through my hair letting out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

I was in a calm state but hopefully calm enough not to cry when I see Chloe. But I didn't have time to wait when I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and opened the door. When I saw the cops standing there with smiles on their faces I knew who was behind them.

I heard music coming from the distance I guess I had been In the dressing room li get than I thought. They told me to follow them and I did. I couldn't see who was in in front of me because the cops were blocking my view.

When they stepped aside and I saw who was in front of me. I immediately ran to her and picked her up and spun her around. The good news is that she didn't have a signal scratch on her. I didn't realize it but I was crying.

When I set her down I saw that it was mine and Chloe's cue to go on stage and perform. Chloe went to the balcony and I went into the crowd. This time when the music started I didn't mess up. When I got up to the stage I joined Kelsey at the piano. I then went over to the tree and climbed up it and jumped onto the balcony. Chloe and I were in separate sides of the stage and we slowly made our way closer to each other.

Eventually everyone was on stage with us singing along to the song with us. Then it was a week later that it was graduation. The speech I made was about how I grateful I am for Chloe. She made a positive impact in my life and made me the man that I am today. She made me see that not everyone at school is an annoying little prick. But it's all thanks to her that things I've done at this school have been inspiring. I couldn't have asked for a better high school experience.

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