Chapter 1

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My mother couldn't believe her ears when i told her I was quitting school. She shook her head "but your future...."I sighed "I'm a writer, that's who i am" Her boyfriend joined her "what's going on?"I sighed "I'm going to south korea, I got an opportunity to be a journalist there"He smiled "but that's great, trust me It's a great opportunity"He held my mom "I can talk to Jin, maybe you can stay there until you get your own place"I was planning to stay in a hotel.My mom nodded "that would make me feel more comfortable"I smiled "I would appreciate it"He nodded and walked away calling Jin. Jin was a member of famous boyband BTS. I never met him and honestly I wasn't intin knowing him but it would help me financially if I stayed with him. He spoke in Korean. I couldn't understand anything. Or maybe just small words. He returned with a smile "he is excited to meet you" My mom still was upset. "I hugged her, please... I really want this" She sighed and nodded "I guess I can't hold you back" I was more than happy. I couldn't wait to start my career as a journalist I arrived at the airport. I promised Jin to take a cab to his place cause I tried to avoid fan girls. He argued that he wanted to pick me up but i stood firm that i was taking a cab. Jin seemed nice It was a shame I didn't get to know him earlier. I stopped a cab and showed the driver the adress. He seemed a little annoyed that I didn't speak Korean. I looked out my car window. It was beautiful Intook pictures and wrote some notes. I called my mom to tell her I was on my way to Jin. She still wasn't pleased but she knew she had to accept it. Jin lived 30 minutes away from the airport. I paid with my credit card. I was nervous. I saw 7 guys sitting on the balcony. I couldn't believe he was with his friends. I felt awkward. Jin rushed over to help me with my suitcase "hi, welcome" he hugged me. I took my hand bag and suitcase. Jin signaled a friend to come over and help. I recognized him as Namjoon. He just nodded at me. I was really tired. I wasn't ready to meet everyone. I followed them inside. All of them cheered when I went inside. Jin laughed "guys, give her some space, its a 14 hour flight" The guys stopped cheering. Jin showed me the way to my room. I had my own bathroom and a balcony. It was sweet. They put my suitcases in my room before walking away. I went to take a nice warm bath. My body was tired. I was going to wash my hair the next morning. Cause I didn't have energy that night. I got dressed into some jeans short abd a black sweater. I searched for them on the balcony. They weren't there. I frowned. I was going to get lost in this maze. I saw a shadow. "they are in the kitchen" I turned around and saw Namjoon. I smiled "thank you" He shook his head "you are stupid you know...."I gasped "what?"He laughed sarcasticly "dropping out of school?" I was about to defend myself "you don't even have a degree, you shouldn't have stopped out of school" I opened my mouth again but He didn't give me a chance "it's important Jenna" There was so much I wanted to say to him but my feelings were to hurt. Instead I said "my name is Jalexandrina" He nodded "goodnight, tell Jin I had to leave" He walked away. I was still shocked. I finally found the kitchen. Jin smiled "hey pizza is getting cold" I sat down "uhm Namjoon said he had to leave" Jeon rolled his eyes "he always has mood swings" Tae-hyung shrugged "more pizza for me" Jin shook hos head "nah my sister has to eat, my father would kill me if i let her starve. I laughed. They seemed nice. All of them. Except Namjoon. Why was he so rude?

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