Chapter 14

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It was the last day. I stared at the river. I was going to miss it.

Namjoon was upset with me snd I was upset with him. I wasn't ready to tell everyone yet. Not after he lied. Tae and Nikki made it clear that they liked each other. I was happy for th4m.

I looked at Namjoon but he was avoiding me.

My mom asked me to visit. I missed them too, I decided to plan a week out to Usa.

My boss agreed I could use family time if I promised to work on my articles while I was away. I was going to write about love. Namjoon would be my inspiration.

I would also write about returning home. Lastly I was going to interview Giffeny as a lawyer.

On our way back I sat next to yoongi.

"you have some nice dance moves"

He laughed "yeah I enjoy my dancing, the little kid seem to love it"

I nodded "you were great with him"

"he is a great kid, taehyung is going to be an amazing step father, Nikki is perfect for him"

That stung a little but It was true. He noticed it

"no that's not what I meant, I..."

I laughed "relax, I think she is the best person for him too"

Suga put a hand around me "You'll find someone, you are fun to have around, when you are back from Usa, we are goint out and I'll be your wing man"

I laughed "no there is no need, trust me, I'm okay, but thanks for thinking about me"

He nodded "I got your back"

I decided to sleep a little cause I had to be at work at exactly 12 pm.

Since I was planning another trip. They needed me to catch up.

I arrived at work 5 minutes early. Heasun one of the colleagues that was actually friendly with me hugged me when I returned to work. That was new to me.

Namjoon didn't pick me up this morning. I wondered if he was angry with me.

"so you are leaving me again?" he asked. I laughed "my family needs me"

He smiled "can I take you out on a date?"

I sighed and shook my head "I'm seeing someone"
He didn't like it. "then why dropping hints that you like me?"

I frowned "I actually did not"

Heasun laughed sarcastically then walked away angry.

What was going on?

I decided to write an article about our trip and publish it before I left.

I was going to leave at midnight. When I would return to South Korea. I had to work on Saturdays as well.

I arrived home early in the morning. Giffeny was already there. She was excited to see me again.
My mother was emotional.

It was like she didn't want to let me go. She held me tight.

We decided to have dinner at taco bell. I missed it so much

"so are you seeing anyone?" mom asked.

Giffeny chocked on her good while I blushed "yeah, I'm seeing someone, his name is Namjoon"

Mr kip frowned "bts namjoon?"

I nodded "he is amazing"

He nodded in agreement "indeed he is"

Mom was excited "I'm so happy"

"oh she first dated the other guy" Giffeny whispered.

I kicked her under the table and she laughed

Our dinner was kept short cause Mr Kim had to work.

I hung with Giffeny.

"so, Namjoon and I are actually fighting"

She looked at me "what did you do?" I looked at her "me?"

She nodded "there is no way that boy did something"

"remember our wild girl bight, when I lost my virginity"

Giffeny nodded "I was so proud of you"

I laughed "It's the same guy, He has known for weeks and didn't tell me"

Giffeny gasping "really? You are going to spend the rest of your life with the guy you lost your virginity to, that's cool, I see no problem, why are you angry with him?"

I frowned "he oied giff, he kept this from me"

She sighed "you are the on who is wrong here, I can't defend you, do the other guys already know about you two?"

I shook kt head "I wasn't ready"

Giffeny face palmed "are you kidding me?

Giffeny was not on my side. Maybe she wsd right.

Maybe I overeacted

It was late that night when Nikki send me an article of Heasun. How could he be so cruel.

In bold was written.

Jalexandrina and Taehyung a thing?

He went on and on about how I give people false hope. That I broke his heart by saying I was seeing someone but I refused to say who it was.

My heart was broken. Why would he do that?

I called her "Nikki, you have to believe me, nothing is going on between Tae and I"

Nikki laughed "relax I know, your colleague is just being a jerk because you rejected him"

I sighed "I miss Namjoon"

"just call him" Nikki almost shouted.
I couldn't call him "I was the one who was wrong.

" I'll try tomorrow, goodnight Nikki "

I hung up and called Giffeny.

" what did he do?, I would sue him "

When I woke up I showered at once. Giffeny was coming over.

I wore my hair in a messy bun and put on sweatpant and a top.

I went downstairs and my heart sank. Namjoon stood there.

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