Chapter 13

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I woke up early that the next morning.

Namjoon was already woken up and showered.

He had coffee and toast ready for me. I felt like the luckiest girl

He was treating me as a wife while I wasn't even his girlfriend yet.

I sat on the balcony to enjoy my breakfast.

Namjoon looked at me "hey, uhm can we just tell the others? I'm tired of sneaking around"

I held his hand "can we wait till tae and Nikki are exclusive too?"

Namjoon nodded "yeah I totally understand where you are coming from but I think everyone knows already "

I raised an eyebrow "about us?" He shook his head "no about Tae and Nikki"

I drank my coffee and got up. "going to take a shower"

Namjoon looked at me flirty "okay"

I smiled "okay is such a flirty word"

He laughed "the fault in our stars huh" I nodded as I went to take a shower.

I put on my ventino Playlist. That was forever my favorite Playlist.

It was my dream to meet them one day.

When I was showered I went downstairs. Joon was already there to make it less obvious.

Nikki frowned when she saw me. "where were you" She mouthed to me.

I looked at namjoon and she understood immediately and started laughing.

Tae looked at me and I immediately walked to him

"what's up?"

He sighed "I want to take Nikki out picnicking, we are going  canoeing, can you watch taegguk.

I nodded" of course I can, go have fun "
Tagguk was the cutes guy ever. i grabbed some pancakes without asking who made them.

I loved pancakes. It was one of my favorite deserts.

Namjoon texted me." can we go for a walk? "

He looked at me while he waited for me to answer.

" I'm babysitting Tagguk, can he come?"

He frowned while reading the text "hmm okay , I guess he can come along"

I finished my pancakes fast then drank some lemonade.

Nikki sat next to me "hey thanks, for watching tae, I promise we won't be out for long"

I rolled my eyes "this trip is for all of us to enjoy, and I love taegguk *

She hugged me" I owe you "

I watched as the two love birds left together.

See canoeing was not for me. Nikki and Tae were really perfect for each other.

Suga was teaching taegguk some dance moves.

They were so adorable. Taegguk laughed at everything Suga did.

For one moment I wondered how It would be having a child.

Tagguk was winning my heart. He was sweet, cute and made me feel something I never felt before.

It also helped that I had Namjoon. Namjoon didn't want kids either.

J hope joined Suga with the dance moves.

Tagguk laughed really loud. His laugh made my heart raise.

Namjoon lift tagguk up. "Its us two vs these two"

I watched them as they battled It out. They made me happy.

Namjoon playing and dancing with tae made me sure about what I wanted.

Eventually Namjoon put tagguk down again so the battle could really begin.

I took my phone out to film. Jungkook jin and Jimin decided to join them too. Tagguk was having the time of his life.

Suga looked at me "come on join us" I laughed "no way"

Jungkook rushed over and pulled me to them.

I was never a dancer, Tagguk looked at me "please dance"

My heart melt. I started to awkwardly move to the beat.

Jungkook stared flirty at me. Namjoon noticed and didn't like it.

I was already tired of dancing. I lift up tagguk "okay little 1,let's go for a walk"

Suga seemed relieved. Namjoon followed us without people noticing.

He held my hand "I really think it's time to tell them"

I nodded "I agree, we'll tell them tomorrow"

Namjoon smiled "Finally" Tae held both of our hands.

He looked all around how beautiful it was.

The little boy was in awe. So Was I, It was the most beautiful resort I had ever seen.

Namjoon on the other hand was looking at me.

"so jungkook seems to like you" Inrolled my eyes "he likes everyone"

He shook his head "true, I just got a little jealous"

I held his face "you are all I want" He smiled "I know that now, hey let's go kamping tonight"

I smiled "yes, I would love that" Tagguk was getting tired. So we went back to the apartment.

I put him in bed.

Later that night Namjoon and I sat in our tent. He brought bread, fruit and cupcakes. I looked in his eyes and kissed him.

"tonight I want you" He looked in my eyes "I have to tell you something"

I frowned "what's up" He laughed 'it's funny but we actually met before "

I stared at him weirdly" what? " He scratched his head" It was 10byears ago, I was in the U.S,we were partying and we got so drunk, that we ended up in bed together "

I didn't remember anything" Namjoon, what are you telling me? "

He held my hand" It was at club kisses "I remember I did like going to that club.

I remember me losing my virginity. I didn't remember the night, or the man.

He sighed" I reconized that tattoo "
My jaw dropped" you knew that long, and you didn't tell me? "

He sighed" I'm sorry, I wanted to process it first "

I stared at him in disbelief" and you think It's funny?, you mr do serious think meeting me and taking my virginity is funny? "

He looked at me" no, that's not what I meant, wait you were a virgin? "

I shed a tear" I can't believe this, I'm going to sleep.

Namjoon held my hand "no wait please, I'm sorry"

I turned my back to him and closed my eyes.

I thought about that night. It was indeed one of the most special nights of my life.

Why didn't he just tell me?

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