Chapter 19

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Namjoon pov

I was going to be a father. Everything was changing. I knew I had to take more responsibility. It was soon but I couldn't wait.

I sat with her as we watched the ultrasound. I was showered with joy. The heartbears... Two heartbeats.... No 3 heart beats.

We were having twins. I kissed her. I needed to marry her. There was no way I was letting the kids be born our of wed lock.

It had been a month since we found out about the pregnancy

Drina just told her mom.

It was a cool evening I dropped Drina home to rest and  I went in my studio. I planned to propose on Jin his birthday but I chickened out.

My mind was a storm of thoughts, each more chaotic than the last. I had been contemplating the decision for weeks now, but tonight, I made up my mind. I was going to propose to her.

After all, how much longer could I wait to be tied to her, for a lifetime of shared dreams and hopes? How much more of this quiet days abd loneliness could I handle. I wanted her to move in with me.

To make the evening special, I had thought of an idea that combined the two things I loved the most in the world - music and Jenna. I decided to sing "You're having my baby" by Paul Anka. I wasn't particularly confident about my singing abilities, but I was hoping the emotions would echo louder than the my voice.

The moment had arrived. A table for two was set in our favorite little corner of our secluded garden.

My boys started playing some melody while the moon was the spotlight on our makeshift stage. I had rehearsed the song a million times in my head but now, my throat was dry, and my knuckles white.

The boys Nikki and Nana knew I was proposing. They just didn't know she was pregnant.

Jenna knew we were announcing our little bundle of joy but she had no idea I was proposing.

The sweet sound of her laughter echoed in my ears even before I saw her. There she was, her face glowing under the shimmer from the fairy lights I had hung around. As we spend  the night, talking about everything and nothing, my heart pounded harder.
With every passing moment, I saw a lifetime of dreams reflecting in her eyes. Her easy laughter, her playful tease, her gentle sighs under the starlit sky - everything held a promise of our shared future.

I cleared my throat as I announced, "I have a little surprise for you, Jenna." Her eyes shone with curiosity and a hint of amusement. I walked over to the small stage I had arranged for the night.
As I began strumming the guitar, my voice echoed into the quiet night.
"You're having my baby/ What a lovely way of sayin' how much you love me."
I poured my soul into the words.

Everyone frowned. They thought It was juist a song. Jenna didn't understand what was going on. This was not the way we planned to tell them.

Her eyes widened in surprise as I sang, but her smile never faded. 

Finishing the song, I walked up to her, my heart pounding louder than ever. From my pocket, I pulled out a small box, opening it to reveal a simple yet exquisite ring.
"Jenna," I began, my voice choked with emotions, "Will you marry me?"
Tears welled in her eyes, but the smile on her face was priceless.

"Yes, Namjoon, a thousand times yes."
As I slid the ring onto her finger under the shimmering moonlight, our love song floated in the air. A promise of tomorrow, a beginning, a dream - our baby.

Celebrations ensued, but in the quiet of the night, when we finally had a moment to ourselves, Jenna came to me. "Namjoon," She said softly, "That was the most creative proposal ever.

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