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(Tine POV)

My eyes open slowly to see the morning sunlight leaking in through the partially uncovered windows. Next to me is Wat still sleeping peacefully. I squeeze myself closer to him, laying my head on his shoulder and hugging him. It's so warm under the covers. I move slightly to cover his body more with mine. This move accidentally wakes him up.

"Mmn, morning." Wat says as he stretches.

"Good morning." I say and go to move off of him. But Wat stops me from moving by engulfing me in a tight hug which forces me closer to him than before.

"Wat, get off. I'm gonna make breakfast." I say whining but he shakes his head.

"Let me hold you a little longer." He closes his eyes and throws his leg over me to keep me still.

"Don't you have morning classes today?" I ask with my face shoved into his chest.

"Mm, but being late is worth it."

"Whatever," I sigh, finally giving in and hugging him back. He always knows the right words to make me yield. He lightly kisses the top of my head and uses one hand to play with my messy hair.

We stay like this for what felt like hours.

"Shoot, that's my alarm!" I leave Wat on the bed to go get ready. That was my intention at least but my body has other plans. I wobble as soon as I stand up and can't stand completely on my own. Wat is just staring at me from the bed, smiling. I hold on to the bedside table first, then a shelf where I stand wondering where to go next.

After enjoying the sight of me stumbling no doubt I hear Wat's voice. "I'm coming." He says hastily and gets up from the bed. He guides me to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I try to keep steady but I can't since I use both hands to brush my teeth. I try again but this time Wat puts his hands firmly on my waist, keeping me up and steady.

"Thanks.." I say slightly embarrassed.

He smiles again and says under his breath, "cute," as he turns his head away. I hear it, but I pretend not to.

"Besides," he says, "it's my fault you're like this. I was a little..."

"Rough?" I finish for him. My face dropping a little.

"But we hadn't done it in a while," he whines, "I just needed to feel all of you. And you didn't tell me to stop so, I didn't know." He puts his chin on my shoulder and shows his puppy eyes. I disregard his attempt at gaining sympathy, not today Sarawat!

"Once your duty here is done, go to class. I don't want to be the reason you're late." I say with my mouth full of foam from the toothpaste.

"You're my first priority right now." He says as he moves his hands to now hug my waist with his chin still on my shoulder.

I spit out the toothpaste and gargle some water. I wipe my mouth with some toilet paper which I want to throw at him but decide not to. I try to leave the bathroom but Wat won't budge.

"If you keep me here we'll both be late."

"Mm, please forgive me. Please. Please. Please." His puppy eyes grow bigger.

Ugh, why can't I stay mad? Love is going to make me numb to negative emotions.

"Fine, I forgive you. Now could you please help this poor soul into the bedroom to change?" I say. He nods and we slowly make our way back to the bed where I sit. Wat goes over to my dresser and pulls my clothes for today.

"Here," he says as he throws them at me. I don't catch them and they end up all over my head. I can hear his laugh.

"Just get ready! Humph!" I turn around and cross my arms, forcing them down a little. That little force manages to make my shoulders ache. My arms were pinned up for too long last night and now they're sore. Today's gonna be tough. Oh no, what about the seats? How will I be able to sit without people noticing? No!!

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