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(Tine POV)

"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" My alarm is going off meaning it's 9:30. Ugh, I couldn't fall back asleep. Now I have to try and figure out if I can stand. I do feel a bit better now but I don't know. I start by sitting up. Not too bad, now I have to get up. Ok, hold onto the side table Tine and you'll be fine. One, two.., three, UP! YES!! I STOOD UP! Ok, now don't fall. One step at a time. Alright. I let go of the table to try and walk on my own. To my suprise I can actually walk fairly well now. I'm still a little wobbly but I'll take it. It's better than how I was earlier. Ok, now to pack my bag. I grab my laptop, journal, planner, and a bunch of other necessary supplies for my project. Bzzz.. bzzzz. My phone goes off. Who is it? I look at my phone to see who's writing me.

Business Project GC
[Meet me outside of the faculty of law building.]

[I'll save us a table!]

Niran 🐢
[I might be late. My roomate is doing a mandatory cleaning day 😫]

Tine 😎
[I'll be there in 15 minutes Lamb. Are you there already?]

[So.. what are we going to do about the project?]

Niran 🐢
[Ugh! Don't remind me 😔]

[Lamb, I'm 5 minutes away.]

[Ok, I'm on the far left. I'll wave when I see you]

You know, for having to walk from my house to campus while In this state and only falling once is pretty good if I do say so myself. Though I did scrape my knees a bit. Wat's not going to be happy about that but, oh well. The damage is done. I shrug. As I'm walking in the gate leading to the faculty building I see a familiar face. I call out for him, "PAT," he doesn't respond so I come closer and yell again, "PAT!" This time he turns around, confused about who's calling his name. He looks around until our eyes meet and he yells, "P'TINE!!!" He practically runs to me and locks me in a bear hug. I, of course, hug back. It's been a while since I last saw him. We had been grouped together in high school many times and became close. How come he's here? I'm about to question him on his reasons for being here when another guy walks up. Looking at me and at Pat. I look at Pat who seems a bit panicked. Why? "Oho, Pran, don't worry so much. This is P'Tine." He uses his hands to show me off like one would a new painting. I stick out my hand to greet Pran but he just kind of looks at me, judging, waiting, evaluating. I slowly retract my hand and smile awkwardly at Pat. I can hear him whisper, "He's my friend from high school. Please be nice." Then Pat hugs Pran's arm and looks up at him innocently. Pran rolls his eyes takes back his arm and walks away. "Pran? Pran! Wait! Ugh wait!" Pat says before turning back to me where he quickly states, "Sorry, my friend gets jealous easily. I promise he's usually more tolerant. Text me later yeah? We can meet up sometime and talk about our lives now. Uhh, bye!" Pat quickly takes off after Pran. They must be more than friends if that's how they're acting. I pull out my phone. Do I still have his number saved? I scroll my contacts a bit until I reach the P's. Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat.. uhhhah. Found it!

PattyCake 🎂

Tine 🐰
[Hey Pat, it's Tine! Lmk when you're free so we can meet up. I'll bring my "friend" too. 🤭]

I shut off my phone's buzzer after I send the text since it's now.. 10:13!!! I'm late shoot! I rush to where Lamb and Kama are and sit down. My legs seem to be working fine now. Good. And sitting isn't an issue. Ok, all's well. Phew. I look at Lam and Kama who are staring at me.

"What took you so long?" Asks Lamb.

"I swear I was on time! But I got caught up talking to an old classmate and I kinda became late." I look down and start taking out the materials needed for the project.

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