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(Tine POV)

"My hand hurts!" Whines Niran as he flails his wrist in our faces.

"That's nice Niran. So Tine, do you have anything else to do today?" Asks Lamb as she cuts off Niran's whines.

"I was planning on studying in the library and doing some of our project before my club starts." I say and shrug.

"Oo, can I join you?" Asks Lamb excited.

"Yeah, me too!?" Yells Niran.

"Nope, you're coming with me. We have the physical part of the project to do." Says Kama with a mischievous smile as he drags Niran away.

"There has to be something going on between those two." I say with my arms crossed.

"Yeah, they seem closer than usual. Always sticking together." Adds Lamb.

"So are you coming with me?"

"Of course! I won't let you do all the research yourself." Lamb smiles.

It doesn't take long to walk from where we were to the library. But it took and extra 15 minutes because Lamb wanted to look at all the flowers along the way.

"By the way Lamb, I never asked what club you're in."

"Ohh, I'm doing the cooking club. I just love to eat soo.. it's perfect." She says with a wide smile, showing all of her teeth.

"That's so cool! Bring something for me and Wat sometime?" I ask.

"You got it!" She says with finger guns.

"Ok, ok. Let's go do what we came to do." I say as I walk towards the library doors. Lamb follows close behind. When we get in everyone turns to look at me. What the heck? Whatever, I have work to do. Lamb and I sit down at a table near to the window.

"I'm going to check my messages. Why don't you find some books first? I'll join you once I finish." I whisper to Lamb who nods and goes off to find materials. I take out my phone from my pocket and wipe the sweat off of the screen. Eww, why does this have to happen so often? My phone unlocks and I open the messenger app. I click on Wat's name first.

                                   Wat ❤️
Wat ❤️
[How are your legs?]

Wat ❤️
[Did you get some extra sleep?]

Wat ❤️
[Tine, make sure you eat]

Tine 🐰
[They're better. I got a little. I will!!]

Tine 🐰
[I'll see you later. Don't be late to the music club meeting! 😠]

Not even a minute later Wat's already responded. He's always so quick to message me back. I know I've said this before but I really do feel guilty sometimes for not answering right away. Oh well, I can't change it now. What did he send me?

Wat ❤️
[I won't, do you want to go out after the meeting?]

Awww, is he asking me on a date? Of course I'll go. I write back. Now to Pat's messages.

A soft slamming of books on the table makes me look up. It's Lamb. "Go get your books, we don't have all day. We have maybe 3 hours. Go!" She whisper yells. I hold up my hands in surrender and get up to find research materials.

— Time skip to 2:30 —

I gently close the book I was using. I don't want to be too loud. I gather all of the books both Lamb and I were using and navigate the labyrinth of a library to put them all back. Coming to the table we were sitting at I see Lamb resting her head in her arms. I lightly shake her and whisper, "Lamb. Lamb! We have to go. Our clubs start soon. Lamb!"

She still doesn't wake up so I shake her a bit harder. This time she sits straight up, wide eyed. Before she grasps her surroundings and eases back up. She rubs her eyes and yawns. "Mm, what time is it?"

"Time for you to go cook." I say. I shove my phone in her face to show the time. Panic is all I see come over her face. "Shoot! My club's on the other side of campus!" She hurriedly packs her stuff and darts out of the library to get to her club. I should go too, I told Wat not to be late, it would be embarrassing if I was.

(Sarawat POV)

"Thanks for the free lunch!" Says Ohm with a wink and a smile.

"Mm" I respond. I don't know what I should do before the meeting this evening. I could go back for the library but I don't really have anything to do. Oh, wait! I should get a gift for Lila. I haven't seen her since high school. Ever since she had to go back to America. She only come to study for a year but we became pretty good friends. After she moved back I kinda went back into the shell I had made. But that's in the past. Where's the closest shopping center? Uhh.. ok, six blocks from here. Not too bad. I should be able to make it back in time. I can pick something up for Tine too since he's been good lately. Yeah, I'll do that. Ok so just take a left there and two eights there and....

Ahh, there's the place I'm looking for. I walk into the shopping center where I see a couple kids running around and many older women shopping. It's only like 12:30, what the heck? I look around at all of the jewelry and such. Nothing really catches my eye until I see it. A beautiful jewelry box that opens to show a mirror.  Its insides are red silk with a traditional pattern. I go up to the seller.

"How much is this?" I ask politely.

"Which box was it in?" He asks. His voice is gruff and unfriendly with a hint of annoyance.

"That one." I say and point lazily to a plastic tin at the front.

"1213 baht. Want it wrapped or bagged?"

"Wrapped." I look around for anything else if interest but it's all junk. I really think I found a gem in a pile of trash.

"Here." He says as he shoves the now wrapped box into my hands, "You paying in cash?"

I hand him the amount I owe and nod. I leave the stall as soon as I can. Now for Time's gift. I have to search very carefully for his. I want it to be special. I look at every stall but there's nothing. Maybe I can look somewhere else. That might be better. Ok, let's go with that. I walk out of the center I was in only to be stopped by a very old lady.

"I have a special service no one else can provide. Are you interested in a one of a kind gift for your significant other?" She asks in a high pitch tone. I nod and squat down to her level. I look at what she has on her blanket. Very basic jewelry. I don't think she has what I need. I get up to leave but the woman stops me by grabbing my wrist. She slips a necklace into my hand and says, "Here. Free of charge. There's no other like it." I open my hand a little but she stops me, "Nuh uh uh, your lover must be the first to see it." With that she pats my closed hand and releases my wrist. That was weird. I don't think I should give this to Tine if I can't see it first. I jostle the necklace about in my hand. It feels safe enough. You know what, I'll give it to him. If he doesn't like it, I'll tell him how I got it. What time is it now? I pull out my phone from my pocket, I remember Tine reminding me to not be late. I should have enough time. My screen flickers on and reads, 2:57. Shiiii- I have to run! And I do. I sprint as fast as I can back to campus.

Thank you so much for reading this far!!🥰
I'm so sorry I haven't been updating consistently.
A lot is happening and school is starting soon. I hope you'll understand. But I'll do my best to write for you all when I get the chance. ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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