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"I'm started to get worried, James I mean what if she's hurt?" A worried mother stresses pacing back and forth wondering where her missing daughter could be.

A downcast look is spread across Jame's face knowing even he didn't have an answer to her question.

"Sofia we can't think like that" James says in return sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Of course I'm going to think like that! Not only has she been gone for over a day but what if she's somewhere she finds out what happened!"

James quickly gets up and grabs Sofia's shoulders.

"Don't. Don't send yourself down that path. She'll come back to us, she has to." He says back to her.

Sofia looks down at her feet and shakes her head.

"But with her magic..I'm afraid it might get her in a place she can't get out of one day. What if this is the day! And she's there!"

She lashes out as she walks off from his grasp resting her hands on her head at the kitchen table.

James stands there searching for a way to bring comfort to her. Although he was trying to find it for himself to.

"She's a smart girl. She wouldn't put herself in a situation she couldn't get out of."

A pause is spread across the pair before she turns to look at him.

"No—I know, but what if someone else put her in that situation?"

She says as tears welled up in her eyes.

James gives Sofia a sympathetic look before reaching over and bringing her into a hug.

"I've tried the hardest to keep the truth from her. After she grew suspicious of her being adopted and us having to tell her. I've been worried of her finding more out."

She pauses

"I know on the surface she's always considered us her parents but..what if this is it? She went off to find her past or put herself in danger?"

Her continuous questions are muffled from the sniffling, crying and talking into Jame's shoulder sleeve.

A hand reaches the back of her head pulling her in tighter, James trying his hardest to keep her and himself together.

"I can't answer your what if's, and hell I can't even answer my own. But what I know is that Nova is our girl, and wether she finds the truth or not. She will always be our daughter."

The hugging goes on before Sofia begins to speak again.

"I just don't want her to not consider us her parents anymore."

"Hey" he starts. "We have done everything in our power to be the parents she never had. Have we been perfect by any means? No."

James pulls out of the hug and cups Sofias face.

"But we have cared for her, and we have loved for her like we were her real ones, and we had to do what we had to."

Sofia nods her head knowing it was the truth, but the worrying didn't stop and neither did her mascara stained face.

"And if by chance Nova did find Miguel, he always swore to contact us if she found him." He says in a reassuring voice.

"Ok" she says with a forced smile.

"Ok." He says wrapping up the conversation before reaching in for another hug.

554 words.
Pretty short chapter but I needed to give you guys something and it's of her parents so...let your theories run wild!

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