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I am quickly pulled through a ray of multiple colors as I am tossed into another universe, it takes me a minute to adjust to the now new environment i'm in, but that doesn't stop me from getting angry with Hobie.

I notice that he has a grip around my wrist to where he had grabbed me and pulled me through the portal, I quickly pull away and look up at him with rage and confusion in my face.

"Miles is back there! What are you thinking?! He is getting hunted down by a blood sucking vampire Spiderman who also just happens to be my father which-I'm still trying to process how it's possible but!-"

"Hey, hey chill, ight?" He speaks in his deep British voice.

"Chill?! That's it? Where are we and why did you take me! Miles needs me!" I yell out in frustration in the middle of a sidewalk as people walk past us, confused to why we were yelling at each-other.

"You've got serious fire in you girl" he speaks with a smirk, trying his hardest to get me off track, which of course, like usual..was working.

"No, no don't do that! You can't distract me with your.." I trail of, looking up at him as he looks down at me. The height difference between us was insane, and I know he enjoyed feeling bigger than me.

"Charm? Good looks?" He asks again, with a stupid smirk painted on his face.

"Just-" I cut him off frustrated. "Where are we?" I ask looking around.

"Ah, I probably shoulda told you that first huh? I introduce you to to Earth-138. Where I come from" he looks at me, and I look back at him.

I didn't know what it was with Hobie, but there was this part of me that couldn't help but not stay mad at him. What was it? He was so frustrating, and so angering. Yet at the same time he was someone who truly cared. When he helped carry me when my body gave out, when we made our pinky promise, and when he showed Miles and I to use our "palms." I wanted to hate him for allowing what happened at the spider society, the fact he didn't tell me. Yet I couldn't, I was on the edge between pure hatred, and asking myself if this was meant to happen for a reason. After all the shit that happened with my dad, Hobie seemed to bring a since of calm to the table.

I do a slow spin around of the city around me. The lights and the noise, it was dark out so the buildings glowed with the stars, and the crowds of people flowed with the sirens that traveled alongside of the constant commotion.

"This is..beautiful" I state with a smile looking around, before my focus is drawn back to Miles, and the framiliar dread sinks back into me.

"But city lights can't keep me at ease forever Hobie" I smirk at him, before my face turns serious "Why, am I here."

He looks at me, then down to his feet with a sigh. His hands in his black jean pockets as he begins to walk, and I teal along with him.

"Look, I needed to get you away from the Society. As you now know they ain't what you think they are ight? They've got alternative motives. Truth is they are scared of you, I needed to get you out before you became more of a threat to them then even Miles does."

My jaw comes undone at the words and I laugh. "Are you..serious?, there scared of me?" I laugh through the sentence. Me being listed as a threat is funny, it totally didn't bump up my ego..

"Yeah, which isn't a shock..I think they should be horrified of you. The things you can do are- incredible. I guess you could say they are out of this world, huh?" He asks with a joke that falls flat.

I look at him as he talks through a thick accent, it was definitely one of my favorite features about him, of course I didn't have multiple things I liked about him, right? He was just unique to look at.

I can't help but smile at his words, he made me feel good about myself. He talked about me like he wasn't afraid of me, but more..impressed by me.

We walk in silence for a moment before my worry goes back to Miles.

"So how are you so sure Miles dosen't need me. Hobie? Miguel won't hurt Miles will he? I mean-you wouldn't have taken me if he could, right? I would hope you would be smart enough not to do that."

"He'll be ok worrier, one of the main reasons I got you out of there is so it wouldn't be as hard to deal with. Miles will be fine on his own, I can't help but admit he's a smart kid..he's a quick thinker. I would've left him with you if I thought any different..speaken of you and bloody armpits. You two got some secret "cosmic lovers" thing goin on huh?"

I laugh at his words, almost in shock.

"What?" I say with a laugh
"You really think that?"

Hobie shrugs, "If I thought any different I wouldn't be askin would I?" He asks with a obvious expression on his face, one to make me feel stupid. "Besides, who could resist a girl as peng as you, hm?"

I lightly smack him on the arm.

"Your such an ass" I laugh. "Wait, wait what's "peng?" I groan. "Is that another one of your British terms I don't know about?

He shrugs again
"Use ya imagination love"

I laugh at the nickname, although I felt my face grow warm when he said it, and I knew that wasn't from the weather. It was a windy night, with a slight rain.

"But no, no we don't. We've been best friends for who knows how long now. I see him more as a brother." I pause "And besides, I think he's got a certain blonde wrapped around his finger" I say with a smirk.

"Ah, point proven"

We walk once again, as I find myself antsy.

"So how long are we just waiting around like this? You can't keep me here forever Miles is going to need me!"

I knew he was protecting me from my dad and the society, friends mattered more.

1095 words.
I hope this was a sweet chapter, it's not very long but I've been swamped with assignments and I have finals next week. I will be uploading over Christmas break! Love you all!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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