The deep sea|Duke x Reader

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•Pronouns: They/them
•This is literlly the ocean part but except ur lenore with slight changes

This is for my cousin

(Also he may not be on point😔)

After going through alot of phobias, running, injuries, getting clinged by pluto we were finally halfway to the end.

Duke sighs as he watched ____ figure things out he turned his head to see pluto mumbling and whispering Duke raises one eyebrow "Whats wrong? Whats that sound about?" Duke asked curiously Pluto shrugged "Ah spit it out what are u hiding?!" Duke asked then pluto finally spoke "Thalassophobia. It means fear of the deep water." Duke's eyes widen he had a vision of somethung blurry but he cant make it out "Duke?.." Pluto whispered turning his head to him Duke shook his head "Nerd." Pluto looked at him with a unamusing face

"I've got it!" ____ shouted as Pluto and Duke fought they both turned to ____ Duke cleared his throat "What is it mon amie?" "We just have to-" Pluto cut off ___ "Nope! Whatever it is im not doing it!" Duke slapped his face "Wait let them finish atleast" Pluto sighed and nodded "Thank you as i was saying we can tie ourselfs to this anchor-"

"Nooooooopp-" Duke covered Plutos mouth with his hand "...countinue mon amie" Duke said with a warm smile as Pluto groaned and gave muffled shouts "As i was saying...We tie ourselfs to this anchor to make us sink to the bottom faster once we get there we'll swim to the gate" ___ said confidently Duke claps as Pluto gasps for air "Bravo! Mon amie! Im in" Pluto grunted "no!...we cant! I-" Pluto realized he made an outburst and ___ and Duke was staring at him confused Pluto sank into his coat and looked down into the deep sea "...i..cant swim.."

(Time Skip bcs im lazy)
"Alright Pluto hang onto Duke dont let him go" Pluto nodded then ___ spoke again "in 3...2...1...jump!" Everyone dived in and Pluto and Duke made it to the surface breathing for air "Wet!" Pluto shouted taking of his coat as Duke rolled his eyes as he climbed himself back onto ground "Duke..?" Duke turned to Pluto raising one eyebrow "wheres ____?" Dukes eyes widen and he looked back into the deep sea he groaned and turned back to Pluto "Wait here." He jumped into the sea finding ____ he saw them and swam closer till he noticed tentecles surrounding them Duke rushed to them as fast as he can struggling to get them out the sea creature got a hold of them both wrapping its tenticles around them Duke gasped he was slowly running out of air he started to panic his vision start to blur it felt like his throat was about to burst he felt helpless he felt like dying felt so familiar to him as he was about to suffocate himself to death he looked down ___ in his arms he cant let them die. He saw something shine in their pockets a scissor? He took it and stabbed the sea creatures tenticles aggresively the sea creature let them go and Duke swam to the surface as fast as he can until his vision blurs he held ____ tightly and made it to the surface throwing ____ on the ground as Duke gasped for air holding his throat tightly he looked at ___ with wide eyes he held them for a pulse and thankfully they were just unconcious duke slowly sat up sighing in relief.

As Pluto and Duke waited for ___ to wake up "Duke..?" Duke looked at Pluto "what.." Duke's tone sounded diffrent "...Why do u care so much about ___? You never cared for anyone or even mind others" Duke looked down on the ground and thought for a moment letting out a sigh "because i love them ." Plutos eyes widen then ___ started coughing they turned to them with a concerned look "d...did it work?" They coughed Duke hugged ___ tightly and pulled away placing a hand in both of ___ shoulders "That was almost the end of you ___!" Duke said with worried eyes gripping onto their shoulders "atleast..the plan worked-" "Do you not care?! Because i do!" Pluto mumbled 'we' "Of course i do! But-" "You could've.." tears started forming on his eyes "Duke..?" Duke let ___ go and curled into a ball "Sorry..i was just..worried" silence filled the atmosphere until Duke spoke again "i remembered how i died ___ i drowned." ___ was shocked they dragged themself closer to Duke and laid their head onto Duke's shoulder. Duke turned his head away "im sorry to hear that Duke.."

Duke,Pluto, and ___ arrived to another phobia to get past

"It isnt over yet." ___ held Dukes hand giving a reassuring smile Duke tried to smile back holding on ___ hand tightly
As all of them walked inside the gate.

To be countinued😱

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