Special | Merry x Reader

218 3 6

●Genre : Fluff?
○Used pronouns : They/them

I have live here in this rotten place for years. And ive been in so many jobs but it was always not the right one or because it was too dangerous. I walked around the streets and there i saw it a poster.

    'Assistant needed For the Deans.'

'Assistant? Deans? Hm nobody not much people signed up for it i wonder why'... I thought. I shrugged and grabbed the poster. 'Nevermore? Isnt that one academy?' I sighed and prayed this job was atleast easy... I walked around finding the academy  'Why is it so hard to find the darn-'. I accidently bumped into someone he looked like hes been through puberty many times...he has brown hair- "Watch it prince/princess" The man grunted and walked away. __ scoffed and got up "Hey sir wait! Where are the directions to Nevermore?" The man stopped walking and turned around "Why ya wanna know?."  I cleared my throat and showed the poster to the man. The man looked at it and scoffed "Ah. Right that poster..." The man groaned it looked like he really dont want to tell me. "Fine. Only because Merry is such a pain in the-" the man cleared his throat "Come with me." The man walked away and turned his head to me "Yer coming or not." I shook my head to focus and rushed to his side. "Sir?" I called looking at him "Whadda want" "I havent seen you around before whats your name sir? My name-" Before i could speak the man groaned and cut me off "I dont need to know you and yer stupid name and you dont need to know me. Got it?" The man said sternly. I nodded and looked away. After awhile we finally arrived the gates were sharp and labeled 'Nevermore' on top. The man grunted and kicked the gate and walked inside he turned to me "Come on i havent got all day." I followed him inside the acadamy and it looked so...fancy? Thats weird.

___ and..The man.. walked along the hallways. They were given weird looks as they walked "Sir? Why are they staring at us..weirdly.." the man chuckled "There just afraid of me.. And they're surprised that i havent killed ya yet." The man replied like it was nothing. ___ stayed silent and looked away. The man notices it and sighed "I wont hurt ya..yet- The Deans ordered me to stop anyways..ugh." __ was looked at him with a confused look "Who is the Deans?" The man scoffed and stopped walking. __ looked infront and saw a big door before them. "You'll see." The man walked away and turned to ___ "Goodluck." __ waved "Thank you sir!" The man groaned "Yadda yadda. Yer welcome alright?And Dont tell anyone i did this for you." ___ nodded. And the man walked away from them He sighed deeply.

___ took a deep breath '..this wont be hard. Right?' __ slowly pushed the doors to see a couple of people waiting in their seats. __ took a seat and heard something from the other room "IM SORRY PLEASE DONT-" The guy rushed out the room and tried to escape but a tall man walked out the room and snapped his fingers and the guy vanished. The tall man cleared his throat. "Next." The tall man pointed at __ they gulped and nodded walking inside the room with the tall guy as __ went inside and took a seat the door slammed closed and two tall man appeared infront of __ "Hello im Merry." Merry spoke "And im Mourn." The tall man said. Merry stayed silent and Mourn was confused he looked at Merry "Why arent u talking?- ergh fine." Mourn glared at ___ "Whats your name?" __ cleared her throat. Merry kept glancing at ___ secretly "Im ___" Mourn sighed "Whats your-" Before Mourn could speak Merry cut right to the point. "They're the one." Mourn looked at Merry with confusion and shock "What?! We dont even know the person-" Mourn looked back at Merry. Merry looked at him with a pouty face. Mourn sighed in defeat "Fine. Whatever no one cared about my opinions anyway." Mourn mumbled the last part quietly "Your hired." Mourn said plainly. ___ face lit up they smiled "Thank you! When do we start?" Mourn thought for a moment then they all heard a loud scream. "Right now."

The deans and __ headed out and saw a student injured "___ wont you be a dear and help that student?" __ nodded and helped the student get back up carefully to the infirmary. Merry smirked at Mourn and Mourn scoffed "I still dont trust them." Merry rolled his eyes "Mourn may i have __ for the day?" Mourn raised an eyebrow in surprised "Why?" Merry did a cheeky grin. Mourn was shocked and rolled his eyes "Fine. Dont go all crazy." Before Mourn could leave he turned to Merry one last time "Remember Merry. We are Deans." Then Mourn left and Merry rolled his eyes "blah blah."

Merry went to find ___ and found them inside the infirmary taking care of the students wounds Merry stared at them for awhile before clearing his throat "__ dear? Can you come with me" ___ nodded and waved goodbye to the student. Merry and ___ walked along the hallways it was so silent. Merry stopped walking and turned to __ with a smile he pulled ___ close to him "Hold on tight dear." Black smoke covered them. ___ coughed and as they open their eyes and looked around it felt like they were standing on a cloud. "This is Dream Land." Merry spoke as he walked to a table "Take a seat dear." He pulled a chair for them and they sat down. Merry took his seat "I usually come here to get away from people...mostly Mourn.. dont tell him that though." Merry chuckled. ___ smiled "Merry? Why have you chosen me to be your assistant? I havent even introduced myself." Merry smiled "I dont need to know you. And i dont know..you just seem special." Merry grinned "S...special? U must be mistaken im not special" ___ shyly said. Merry leaned closer "To others your not but to me you are." ___ started to yawn Merry leaned back "Im...sorry im quite sleepy today..." ___ yawned. "Yes..im sorry i forgot to tell you. You get alot sleepy here in Dream Land. Well its the way to get out..come." He held __ hand and walked them to a bed room ___ immediately fell onto the bed and fell right asleep Merry chuckled and laid down beside them. He looked at them they look so peaceful. Merry smiled and closed his eyes.



(Phew. I apoligize for not making new chapters faster im quite busy.)

(I see many people like Merry alot...i mean ALOT)

(If you didnt know the man that is cranky is Montresor💀.)

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