Under the moonlight | Annabelle x Reader

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●Genre: Angst, Fluff
Used pronouns: They/Them
Thank you to Bell-weather for requesting!
            Annabelle and i were close very..close. until we got into a fight. She lost her first game ever. And i was the one who beat her.

"Im almost there!" ___ said as they ran up the stairs and saw the bell hanging from the mansion. They finally got to the bell and before they could ring it- "Hello pet." Annabelle blocked their way. Annabelle grinned ___ rolled their eyes and tried to push Annabelle "Why are u in such a rush hm?" Annabelle hugged them from behind. Although ___ knew she was just tricking them it just.. felt so good. Annabelle pulled them closer "Just let me win pet..." those words made ___ snap back to reality. "I cant" ___ said as Annabelle huffs she grabbed ___ away from the bell she grabbed them by their shoulders to make them face her "Ive missed you...ive missed...us." ___ stayed silent and averted their gaze from Annabelle. She notices and placed her fingers on their chin to make them face her "Pet...lets ignore all of whats happening right now..we havent have this much time in awhile" Annabelle whispered her voice was soothing and calm. Annabelle cupped ___ cheeks "Dont you miss this too?" ___ looked at her with a frown "Yes..yes i have love.." Annabelle grinned and pulled ___ closer "Then let me use my time..." Annabelle's face was so close to theirs as they were about to kiss ___ pushed her away "No! N-..no i cant- i dont need your help. I just need to-" "Need to what?." Annabelle said as her eyes glow bright blue. ___ eyes widen and turned away rushing to the bell. Annabelle pulled __ away amking them trip to the ground. "I cant let you do that." Annabelle said with her once warm and soothing voice turned into a stern and cold voice. __ grunted they tried to lift themselfs up "Please Annabelle. Dont stop me now." Annabelle stayed silent and walked over to the bell. ___ groaned and rushed into Annabelle her body withers away into dust. Annabelle appeared behind them "Whats so important about this bell?" ___ coughed and tried running for the bell. "Its just a prop." "Ringing it wont help us. It wont bring us closer. Its just some! Shiny prop!" As Annabelle grew more mad her voice echoed as it becoms louder and louder "Annabelle you dont understand! I need to ring this bell! U dont know what i've seen!" ___ shouted as they made their way to the bell then Annabelle appeared behind them hugging them from behind "Please dont." ___ stood frozen "Turn to me..." ___ did what she said they turned around to face them "You've done so much u dont need to do more.." her voice turned into the same warm voice. "Close your eyes and dont look behind you." ___ heisitated but slowly closed their eyes as they did Annabell smirked and tried to kill them but before she could- *ting ting!* "What?!-"  ___ stole the bell from behind and grinned "Two can play that game Annabelle." Annabelle tried to punch them but ___ body withered away turning into dust. Annabelle was furious.

___ groaned and woke up and saw clouds around them. They rubbed their eyes and slowly got up. Then two tall men appeared behind them. "Great job, ___" One whispered making them startled "W-..what- where am i?" Mourn grunted "were in DreamLand..havent u heard the rules." "Now now mourn dont be like that. Im Merry and this is Mourn." Mourn groaned in response "you may state your wish but remember we only can grant one wish."  ___ nodded and whispered their wish to Merry. Mourn rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he waited "Very well then ___ as you wish." With a snap of a finger they teleported ___ to a room full of their friends Lenore, Duke, Pluto and others but most importantly...Annabelle was there..she dosent seem so happy. Annabelle grunted and pushed __ into a private room "Whats wrong Annabelle?" ___ asked "Whats wrong?!" Then Annabelle finally snapped "I could've won this! Not you! Why must u ring that stupid bell!" Annabelle shouted as she walked around the room in circles. "Why must u be so so... Stupid!" ___ stayed silent but those words hurt them deeply. "I DONT EVEN WANT TO ESCAPE THIS ROTTEN PLACE WITH YOU! YOUR RUINING MY PLAN!" Then Annabelle gasped and covered her mouth. "____... i-" ___ walked pass Annabelle "Dont bother." ___ left the room leaving Annabelle in shock.

"I want to end this wish." ___ said a d Merry was surprised "Are you sure ___?" Merry responded with a suprised tone ___ said nothing they just nodded in response. "Very well then." Merry snapped his fingers and they were back in their room. ___ made a frustrated noise and they started to make a mess in their room. Everything was a mess then ___ hold a picture frame with Annabelle and ___ together. ___ squinted their eyes in disgust and threw the frame to the ground breaking it with their shoe.

The next day ___ got up and ready for class. They walked across the hallways. Duke spotted them "___! Mon amie! Come over here!" ___ ignored them and wlaked pass to them leaving Duke confused "Whats up with them?" Pluto sighed "Annabelle and ___ got into a fight..i heard over a door" Duke smirked and punched him playfully "You were eavesdropping hm?" Pluto's eyes widen "N-..no! I didnt mean to-" pluto sighed and Duke's smug face "Fine. Yes i was." Duke bursted out laughing.

___ got into class and sat down then Annabelle came and tried to sit next to them making ___ slightly flinch "Hey..___? Im sorry-" before she could speak ___ stood up and transferred into another seat. Annabelle sat down with guilt. After that every day ___ would ignore Annabelle.

___ walked along the hallway and saw Annabelle with her group. "___! Pet! Wait-" ___ flinched and started walking faster "___!" ___ walked pass Annabelle. Annabelle sighed.

Time passes and Annabelle grew tired she felt so guilty and regret in the middle of the night she walked down the hallways and into the garden she stood beside the tree looking into the starry sky with her robe flowing. Then Annabelle heard noises from the bushes. "Who was that?! Who's here!" ___ slowly came out the bushes Annabelles eyes widen. "Sorry i was about to leave-" Annabelle took them by the shoulders and pinned them on the tree "Dont ignore me now." ___ tried to look away from her piercing gaze "Look at me pet." Annabelle cupped their cheeks making them face her. "Look pet, im sorry i never meant to hurt you- i had a bad day today and you were the first person and i- i...i lashed at you.. i never meant to do that of course i would love to escape with you! Its my only wish..please __ forgive me.." ___ stayed silent for awhile. Tears started falling from Annabelles eyes she pulled ___ closer her long locs almost covering __ face "Please pet..im so sorry i never meant to- forgive me.." her grip tighten like she was afraid of letting them go she nuzzled her face into their neck. ___ slowly brought their hands up hugging Annabelle back. "I forgive you Annabelle.." Annabelles eyes widen they pull away cupping her cheeks "About using your time.." Annabelle laughed and pulled ___ into a kiss. __ kissed back slowly smiling as tears fell from their eyes ___ pulled Annabelle closer to deepen the kiss as they kiss in the moonlight.

Pluto and Duke were inside the bushes "See i told you they would make up!" Pluto said with a grin. Duke sighed before he could get out the bush "mmm arent you missing someting Duke?" Pluto said with a cheeky grin Duke groaned "ughh Fine. You got me here you go." Duke gave pluto money and stormed out muttering to himself as Pluto grinned and counted the money "W-wait this is half of the money you betted!" Duke ran quicker "Duke!get back here!" Pluto shouted and ran after Duke as Duke laughed. And Annabelle and ___ witness everything as they pulled away from the kiss they both bursted out of laughter.



(Phew now thats done..more to go! Thank you guys for your request ill try to complete them!! Sorry for the wait💞 love you all!💗)

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