A song to remember| Duke x reader

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•Genre: Fluff
•Used pronouns: They/them
•Inspired by a tiktok :)
●This is where ur still both alive😍
             "ugh.." I woke up tired i reached for my phone and saw missed calls from my friend my eyes widen as i realized im late!

Me,Duke,and my friends planned to go on a double date at a new resturant that just opened! which i forgot..
I grabbed my phone and checked my messages:

Friend 1:
Where are you?!
                                         I..woke up late..
Friend 1:
....well?? Get ready! You dont want Duke your 'mon amour' waiting!
                       Ahah..very funny. Well
                       worry ill come over
Friend 1:
Yeah yeah i know alreadyy just be quick ill be waitingg

I quickly got up and took a shower i dressed up in my favorite clothes and quickly went downstairs "Goodmorning -" I ran halfway the room i opened the door and turned to my mother "Sorry im late goodbye mom! Love you" i said before i left. ___ mother sighed and crossed her arms.

I ran across the street finding my friend. I found her waiting unpaitently with her boyfriend i waved and walked closer to them "Friend 1! Over here!" Her face lit up "___!" She hugged me tightly "ahah..yeah wheres Duke?" I asked she let go and crossed her arms "i dont know...u should know since hes ur boyyfrieeend hes late like you your really are meant to be" i let out a small  laugh we waited for awhile i started to get worried if he would even come.

Then there he was..running..from a teacher. "AHAH! N-next time ma'am see you!" Duke said crossing the road and he started running towards me "Mon amour! Ah how i missed you.." He hugged tightly i sighed patting his back "what did u get into this time?" Duke looked at me with a shy look "Things...here and there But dont worry! And might i say ___ you look-" Duke let go and looked at me for a moment "Amazing.." I was surprised at his response "Thank you.."i said looking to the side then friend 1 groaned "Right! Lets go inside! Its starting to get full" Friend 1 said grabbing my arm we went inside and we were shocked it looked like a ball room.

We all sat down on our places and placed our order. As we wait friend 1 snuggled close to her boyfriend and Duke turned to make and making gagging noises "Bleh.." Duke said rolling his eyes playfully i let out a small laugh and friend 1 rolled her eyes "whatever! You would do the same to your 'mon amour'" i laughed louder and Duke crossed his arms "Maybe i would. Hmph"

(Time skip ☆)
We were all stuffed from the food "That..was amazing" Friend 1 said i was about to speak until music came on it seemed..familiar..."___." Duke turned to face me "What?" I said a tad bit confused "You dont remember this song?...Like at all mon amour?.." Duke pouted I mean it sounds familiar.."Nope i have no clue" i spoke with a confused look Duke sighed "Its the music when we first went on a date.." He was right! How could i forget? "Ah i remember now i was so bad at dancing" i laughed Then Duke stood up and reached out his hand "Then..Maybe we could dance again? Like before?" My face was crimson red "No..i cant dance you know that" i said looking to the side "come on mon amour for me..? Ill teach you" i sighed and give in "Fine.." I held his hand and he pulled me to stand he took me to the center of the ballroom he put his hand around my waist and another on my hand "Just like this.." I watched him teach me our positions "Okay.." Then we both danced i stepped on his foot from time to time but i started to get the hang of it. "Mon amour! Thats it! Keep following my lead" We danced across the ballroom all eyes were on us as friend 1 made a gagging sound.

As the music came to an end he bowed me he slowly leaned to kiss me and everyone cheered and clapped he brought me back up and held my hand.

Then everyone was going home we all walked together going to our houses friend 1 went to our house waving at us "Goodbye Duke! Goodbye ___!" Then before she went inside her boyfriend stopped her "Wait!..here.." he gaved her flowers and her face lit up "awh! Thank you its beautiful!" She held the flowers tightly As me and Duke watch from behind "Aw..its just like when you used to give me flowers.." I said punching his arm playfully "Wheres my flowers huh?" I said jokingly Duke let out a small laugh

After that it was just duke and i walking to my house. We arrived and as i was about to say goodbye and close the door he stopped me "___..i had an amazing time dancing with you..maybe..we could dance sometime again?.." I nodded "Of course Duke id love too as long as you wont get in trouble again"Duke rolled his eyes playfully and  leaned to kiss me "Of course i wont mon amour i would never" "Duke! Come here right now!" Dukes teacher said Dukes eyes widen and he ran away "S-Starting now! Goodbye mon amour!-i love you!" He said running away as his teacher chases him around I sighed and closed the door entering my house as i got ready to go to bed i headed to my room to see it covered with flowers and my favorite food "Oh..my- Is it?" I picked up a letter from my bed and opened it.

'Mon amour i would glady buy any flower for you."

I smiled to myself and set the letter beside my table i set the flowers into a vase and went to bed 'How cheesy can he get?' You thought to yourself as you slowly fall asleep.




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