Burned memories | Prospero x Reader

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•Genre:?? Maybe angst not sure
•Used pronouns: they/them
•This takes place on the test of ringing the bell
I have a love hate relationship with him🤪
Hate, I got slammed in the wall by Ada she had a grin on her face "Look leave prospero alone he doesnt want you! What do u even want to tell him that badly?!" I looked at prospero behind me. I was so tired of Ada bullying me and Prospero ignoring if he could just listen to me- "Speak!" Ada's grip on my shirt tightened "Thats enough Ada were going to be late for class" Annabelle Lee said walking away with Prospero Ada grunted and pushed me away making me fall to the ground "Fine..ur wasting my time anyways" Ada walked away chasing prospero holding his arm. I looked at them Both with a disgusted face. "If he could just listen to me." I said to myself.

I walked back into class getting demrits for being late. I sat down on my seat listening to the teacher "Quiet down!" Ms. Poppet shouted the class turned silent "Much better now ill be sending u to a pocket dimention Ill be sending u off to my favorite Mystery manor! Each one of u will be spilt into groups specters vs specterless the specters must stop the specterless from ringing the bell! By all means nessecary..dont fret this wont make u have the ticket to the land of the dead oh no! U will just be recieving 50 demrits for losing now off u go!" Without another word Ms. Poppet waved her hand and all of us seperated.

I slowly opened my eyes seeing the dark night i groaned and stood up holding my head 'are we here..?' I thought to myself i checked if anyone was nearby and no one was. Alone, i was alone again i sighed standing up then i heard a crack i slowly turned around and saw a monster i tried to run as fast as i can until i tripped on a rock i screamed slowly backing away then i felt a hand grabbing me into the bushes "Are u alright?" I turned to see Lenore, Eulia , Berenice "im fine..thank you" i said politely then we heard a groan and we all imediately ran into the manor making us seperate I was inside the manor alone.

After getting pass by many specters i met lenore back in the manor. We've ran pass many objects and specters Then we finnaly came to the last floor we hid behind a wall and saw Morella fighting the specterless with sorrowful eyes and....prospero "____? What is it? You've been zoning out for quite a long time" Lenore said with a concerned voice i shook my head and looked away from prospero who almost saw me "Its..nothing u should go ill distract..him" Good thing morella ran after another specterless i couldnt handle both of them alone "A..are u sure my friend? Thats extremly dangerous and risky!" I nodded "yes Lenore its my fight.." Lenore looked at me confused but trusted me running to the door Prospero ran to Lenore but i quickly stopped him downstairs as Lenore ran inside.

"Im sorry but i cant let u go upstairs" i said confidently Prospero grunted getting out his watch. I immediately grabbed ut and threw it into the elevator "thats fine. Ill just let the rats eat you." Rats suddenly surrounded me i quickly stomped on them trying to make them go away "come on Lenore..whats taking you so long?!" I said to myself then the rats keep coming i stepped back almost falling into the elevator. I tripped on the rats falling forward my pendant necklace falling of my neck Prospero looked at it "No! Please dont open it!" I shouted.

Prosperos Pov:

"No! Please dont open it!" ____ shouted i grabbed it from the ground confused on why their telling me not to open it. "Prospero! Dont!" I ignored their shouts and opened it and what i saw made my vision blur ...Inside the pendant was....a picture of me and..____ kissing?..
I couldnt understand..."What..is this?" I looked back up to ____ then seeing them facing the elevator "You'll remember Love" Then ___ fell down into the endless elevator i reached my hand out "No! Wait-" it was too late...what did it mean..? And love? What..what- my mind starts to blur i start having memories..


To be countinued


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