10. AS

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Half way through the story. How is it so far?

Yoongi is rushing into the pool room thinking that Taehyung was drowning. The gifts for his confession that he was carrying was placed on the ground somewhere and Yoongi walks up to the pool. The closer he got that's when Yoongi loudly gasped and fell to the floor in shock.

He could believe his eyes. The sight before him was nothing human. Yoongi felt two gold colored eyes staring at him from thr surface of the pool. Kim Taehyung his long turn crush was no longer human...he was a merman.

"W-What the hell!" Yoongi shrieks in fear and somewhat amazement

Taehyung's fish tail as Yoongi would like to call it showed and it was a shimmering long also gold colored tail. The tail was probably about six feet long. The ends of the tail were almost translucent but feathery looking in scale form.

Taehyung on the other hand looked scared to see Yoongi reaction. He just shakes his head and kept waving his hands to gesture that Yoongi doesn't run away.

"Wait! Just calm down okay! Don't run from me please!" Taehyung shouts

"H-How can I not stay calm when there's a literal merman right in front of me!" Yoongi shouts

The look Taehyung gave Yoongi nearly broke his heart. At the end of the day this was still the man he had a crush on. So he listens despite being a little bit afraid.

"Please just don't...don't tell anyone" Taehyung said begging in a small sad voice

Eventually Yoongi gets closer to the pool and admired Taehyung's body. Slowly the sheer panic started to fade. Instead he nods his head.

Taehyung releases a breath he didn't know he was holding. Even though in his merman form his lungs were even more powerful. He was still on edge being that he was in his merman form at school. Someone can walk in at any given moment.

"Okay I need your help okay? Will you help me?" Taehyung asked still looking at Yoongi with panicked eyes

Yoongi just nods his head immediately "S-Sure"

"Just help me out the pool and take me to that storage closet." Taehyung points to a double blue door that's across the room "It'll be a real pain in the ass if someone else see's like this"

"Okay I'll help. Give me your arms" Yoongi said ready to pull Taehyung out the pool

"I do apologize beforehand...i'm kinda heavy"

"No no no it's okay. We need to get you out" Yoongi mumbles

Maybe it was the adrenaline coursing through his veins but Yoongi was able to get Taehyung out without any problems. He slowly drags Taehyung to the storage closet that thankfully wasn't locked. Inside the closet were a few pool supplies and many shelves.

Once inside Yoongi catches his breath "A-Anything else?"

"Yes, in order for me to change back I need to dry my tail" Taehyung said and moved his tail a little "There should be towels in the locker rooms, can you get them for me?" he asked Yoongi still with a serious and shaken up expression

Yoongi didn't hesitate as he agreed and makes his way to the locker rooms located on the other side of the pool. He finds a whole bunch of white towels stacked in a nearby cabinet. He then runs out, careful to not slip on the wet floors.

Once he made it inside he began helping Taehyung dry his tail. He didn't even think of the fact that he was touching his crush. Taehyung was also trying his best to quickly dry himself until he realized his pants were ripped once he transformed in the pool water.

"I'm sorry...I don't mean to make you...you know run around so much" Taehyung started to say feeling guilty

"No it's okay!" Yoongi said frantically rubbing the tail dry "What's wrong?"

"My pants got destroyed. I have my gym clothes in my locker. My passcode is 0613. Do you mind getting it from me? I'll take over drying myself" Taehyung asked

Yoongi immediately stands up and practically runs out the storage, out the pool, and into the hallway to the other side of the school. He goes to their classroom where inside towards the back, the little lockers were.

Jimin and Hoseok were in their seats and waved at Yoongi. But they didn't expect to see his uniform wet and also his face shows distress. Yoongi ignored them since he was on a mission. He went to Taehyung's locker (singe it has their names on the front) and put in tbt code.

He takes out the clothes, closes the locker, and runs back to the other side of the school to the Pool. Once back inside he goes to the storage unit to see Taehyung no longer had a merman tail but now human legs. Of course he was naked.

"Oh!" Yoongi covers his eyes "I'm sorry! I-I got your clothes" he shaking the clothes in front of him

"Thanks" Taehyung said calmly and takes the clothes from Yoongi

The only sounds heard were some ruffling sounds until Taehyung told him it was safe to look. Yoongi looks at Taehyung now dressed. They both had a knowing look on their faces.


At this point I think I give up the 500 word count rule... or at least...make sure the other chapters aren't a full 1000 unlike the last chapter lol

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