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(Part One)

[Season 5-6]

"Good. We're all here," Endeavour said, sitting on the couch while a police officer sat across from him on the other one. "What is it you wanted to speak with me about?"

Miyuki looked on, intrigued, as the police officer pulled a brown envelope out from his jacket and lined up a series of photos on the table between him and Endeavour, each one displaying a colour full piece of... odd, graffiti. The person who drew those must have had a unique imagination, she thought, tilting her head slightly to see some of the art in what she hoped was the correct way.

"There have already been fifty incidents," the officer explained while Endeavour leaned closer, eyes squinting as he looked at the photos. "Please, will you help us arrest the culprit?"

"You want us to catch a mere vandal?" Endeavour asked.

The officer nodded. "Please!"

"I refuse!" Endeavour deftly replied, rising to his feet. "The police should be able to take care of such a minor offense!"

"But the Quirk of the man who calls himself Mr. Smiley is so strong..."

"A strong Quirk?" Burnin questioned.

"What kind of a Quirk is it?" Kido asked.

"Anyone who looks at Smiley's face convulses in laughter for some reason," the officer explained, and Miyuki's brows furrowed in contemplation.

"What do you mean?" Endeavour inquired.

"They fall over in agony and laugh so hard that they can't stand up. On top of that, it lasts for two hours," the officer answered. "Whenever we try to arrest Smiley, he makes us laugh and then escapes!"

Convulse... in laughter, Miyuki thought, her expression easing a bit as understanding dawned over her. Huh. It sounds a lot like...

"Very well." Endeavour sat down. "We'll keep an eye out for the vandals on our patrols."

"Please do!"

After the meeting concluded, the officer left the agency, leaving the heroes and four work study students to ponder on the case brought to them. Miyuki moved closer to the chabudai table, leaning over as she got a closer look at the pictures of graffiti.

"Jeez, they're foisting such a trivial case on us..." Endeavour mumbled, aggravated, looking out his office window, the sky bathed a soft orange pastel as the sun descended on the horizon.

"The graffiti's pretty bad, though," Kido commented, surveying the pictures on the table. "Does this guy think he's Banksy or something?"

"He can force his opponent out loud," Izuku muttered thoughtfully.

"His Quirk is just like Ms. Jokes's," Miyuki stated, and the green-haired boy nodded in agreement.

"Can't we just arrest him without looking at his face?" Shoto pointed out, looking to the two best friends.

"Don't talk about this so seriously, damn scumbags!" Katsuki shouted. Miyuki rubbed her cheek, exhaling softly.

"You make a good point," she said, "but calm down..."

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