◆White Day!◇

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Just a short tale while we wait. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Also, I am aware that White Day takes place a month after Valentine's Day but for the sake of the story it is a day after.

[Sometime during S5]

Getting up early that morning, Miyuki sat up in bed and stretched her arms, letting out a yawn. She scratched her frizzy hair and turned to the window where the first light of the day was already pooling through onto the floor. It was morning already? Last night had gone by so fast and it felt like Valentine's Day had only just begun. In any case, she smiled as she pushed back the All Might themed duvet covering her.

It had been a lot of fun, surprisingly so since her studies plus the work study seemed to be taking up so much of her time. But she and the rest of her classmates, thankfully, were given the afternoon off by Aizawa to do as they pleased. So as soon as classes were over and she'd fed Poncho his early afternoon snack, she and Izuku visited Eri in the Teachers' dorms and spent the rest of their Valentine's Day afternoon with her. Mirio arrived a bit later with Tamaki and Nejire, turning what should've been an afternoon visit into a small get-together that lasted long into the night.

Looking back now, she felt pretty bad about it. She did go shopping and get Valentine's Day presents for everybody and managed to give them all out to each of her classmates... All except for one.

I got so caught up in spending the evening with Eri-Chan, Mirio-senpai, Tamaki-senpai, Izuku, and Nejire-senpai that I forgot to give that to him...

Miyuki bit her lip, nervous. She turned and, blinking, realized just where she was when she saw her father's Limited edition All Might poster plastered by the bed. Izuku snored beside, comfortably snuggled up under his blanket on a separate pillow from hers. She scratched her head and looked around some more, slightly confused still.

Oh, right - after Aizawa kicked them all out from the dorms as it was getting late, they'd come back here. How could she have forgotten that? The empty bowl of popcorn was just where they'd left it on the floor, the laptop was still open, and two cups and a carton of 'Mirko's Hoppin' carrot and cranberry juice rested there. Some blankets and pillows were strewn around, too. She was sure she'd left her All Might plushie somewhere in there as well as Katsuki's Valentine's Day gift. But, for now...

She leaned over and shook Izuku's shoulder. "Izuku. Izuku, wake up," she said. His snot bubble popped. "Wake up. Your All Might Bronze Age collector's edition poster is about to be stolen."

"Huh... What? Where?!" He shot right up. Miyuki squeaked as she fell back over the side of the bed. Noticing the lump beside him, he carefully leaned over the side of his bed. "Huh...?Y-Yuki-Chan?"

"Good morning..." she waved up at him, her face turning a deep shade of red. Blood crawled up from his neck to his face as his best friend smiled up at him.

"W-W-Wait a second, why are you in my room?! What happened? A-Are you alright?!" He quickly helped her wit back up. Rubbing the back of her head where she'd accidentally hit it on one of the legs of his bed, Miyuki faced her beat friend and reminded him of the movie night they had together the night before. "Oh, I see... I guess we must've fallen asleep halfway through..."

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