◆My Baby Academia◇

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(Part One)

[Season 4-5]

-Pro Hero Arc-

When the bell signifying the end of the school day rang, Miyuki bit her lip. Her body, filled with tension since the class of the day began, tightened up even more, her fingers gripping her pencil as she rushed to finish the math question she'd left blank a few minutes ago.

"Everyone, time's up," Ectoplasm announced, rising from the teacher's desk. "Put your pencils down. I will come through to collect your answer sheets shortly."

Brushing back her bangs, Miyuki exhaled and leaned back in her chair, her head throbbing. Her brain felt as if it had just been taken through a marathon, sprinting at full speed the whole way through. She felt some measure of relief when Ectoplasm's clone picked her paper from her desk, though. It was all over now.

"Thanks, Yuki-Chan," Izuku breathed, slumping over his desk in exhaustion. "If it weren't for your tutoring sessions last night, I wouldn't have made it past the first question..."

"Right?" Ochaco agreed, walking over to Izuku's desk. "It was like I knew how to solve the questions and everything, but I kept getting stuck at certain points. On the bright side, I didn't leave anything blank."

"I'm glad to hear that, you two," Miyuki said, smiling at them. "Now, at least you don't have to stay up so late anymore." She massaged her forehead lightly before she started packing up her things.

"Yuki-Chan, are you alright?" Izuku asked the half-and-half girl. Miyuki paused and nodded, her lips stretching into a pleasant smile.

"My head's pounding. That math test was too out there!" Ejirou groaned, putting his hands behind his head as he turned to the side. "But you probably aced it, right, Bakugo?!"

"Idiot, don't jinx it...!" Katsuki replied, gripping his pencil in his fist.

"Jeez... Sasaki, Bakugo, and Yaoyorozu are beaten up over this," Hanta pointed out, glancing at Momo who sat quietly at her desk, hands clasped in front of her face while Kyoka sullenly helped her pack her books. "This is a nightmare."

"But look on the bright side, you two! You know what day it is, right? Right?! It's..." Denki cheered. He swung his arms around their shoulders. "Friday! So, you know, it means! -"

"We're free!" Toru cheered, bouncing up and down excitedly.

"To do whatever we want! Alright!" Mina pitched in excitedly.

"Whatever we want, whatever we want, whatever we want, whatever we want, whatever we want, whatever we want!" Denki, Mina, and Toru chanted happily, much to Katsuki's annoyance. "Whatever we want, whatever we! -"

"Shut up already! You're too loud!" He interrupted gruffly, a vein throbbing on his face.

Miyuki giggled as she strolled out of the class with Izuku, Tenya, Ochaco, Shoto, the rest of their classmates trickling out into the corridor bustling with the other first years as they continued conversing excitedly about the upcoming days.

"Kaminari-Kun always gets excited for the weekend," Izuku noted, smiling as he watched his cheerful classmates.

"It's really great, though, isn't it? Our free time is so limited, and after this week, I could really use a break," Ochaco said, smiling dreamily in anticipation of the weekend ahead. "What do you want to do with your weekend, Deku-Kun?"

"I was planning on training a bit more," he answered, rubbing his cheek thoughtfully.

"Ooh. How unexpectedly hard-core of you, Deku-Kun!" Ochaco commented. Miyuki and Tenya nodded in agreement while Izuku's freckled cheeks dusted a light pink.

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