◆Number One Boyfriend◇

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[Takes place sometime after the Endeavour Agency Arc]

The day started out like most others. Waking up for her morning run with Poncho then returning to the dorms for her daily morning routine which consisted of detangling the black and white strands of hair that had mixed with one another during the night while brushing her teeth. Afterwards, she changed into her school uniform and made her way downstairs for breakfast with the rest of her classmates.

It was by no means peaceful, though, seeing as some kind of argument had somehow erupted between Katsuki and Izuku. Fortunately it ended when she pulled Katsuki off of the green-haired boy and convinced him to walk with her to class after making sure her best friend was okay.

How strange. He's been so hyperactive since we got back from our Work Studies with Endeavour-San, Miyuki thought, glaring out of the corner of her eye at his grumpy expression. Being with the Number one hero must've given him an adrenaline boost. After all, it had been their mission to surpass him and catch one bad guy before he did. Yeah, that was a pretty sound reason; he still hadn't yet come off of that high hill from their time with the number one hero.

That, or...

'As usual, you worry too much.'

Miyuki's face blazed a harsh red instantly as she recalled what happened the first evening at the agency... with him. Could that have been another possibility? Was Katsuki, after all, against having 'those' kinds of feslings towards her?

No, no; She couldn't think like that, it definitely wasn't the case. If he didn't like her in that way, something would've been said by now. Definitely. Absolutely. Not to mention, if you really don't want to be with somebody, you don't kiss them in that sort of a way...

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Stop it Miyuki! Get those kinds of thoughts out of your head right now...!

She vigorously shook her head, trying to free her mind of the memory of her first kiss with him.

Katsuki raised a brow at her strange actions, wondering what was going on with her now.

Is she seriously that mad with me for what happened with Deku? He wondered, eyeing her red face closely. He scoffed under his breath and put his hands in his pockets.

"Hey. If you've got something against me you need to get off of your chest, tell me," he said. Miyuki stopped shaking her head and looked at him. "Or are you gonna keep acting weird all morning?"

"Weird? A-Against you...? No, everything's fine," she responded. "I was just thinking about you and Izuku." M-Mostly you, but I'm not gonna say that out loud. "You two are like cats and dogs. Although, Izuku's more of a ram because of his Quirk and you're like a wild wolf with your wild temperament and unorthodox leadership kisses - skills! Leadership skills!"


Tufts of ash-blonde hair were pushed back by the breeze as he stopped walking and turned to look at her properly. Miyuki stopped and looked at him, too, confused.

"Is... something the matter...? Firecracker?"

So that's what's really on your mind, huh? Our kiss.

A strange shiver shot through him and a comforting warmth flooded his body, suddenly, as he remembered it. He stepped up to the half-and-half girl. Then, to Miyuki's surprise, he touched her head and leaned down, causing her cheeks to darken considerably.

Hikari: 『Volume 2 - Omakes』Where stories live. Discover now