Chapter 12: The Start of a Rivalry

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Competition day arrived and in the Burbank Airport Marriott & Convention Center, one of the meeting rooms were turned into a dressing room as Abby and Cooper watched the girls get ready.

"Girls, when you leave the stage, the dancer after you better think it was the best performance you ever did!" Abby told the girls.

The door opened and coming in was Cathy and with her was Vivi and two additional dancers, one was a boy with orange-reddish hair around 8 and another was a girl around 10 with blonde hair. In Cathy's hand was a picnic basket.

"Surprise!" Cathy stated.

"Mom, is it me or are we seeing Cathy come in with a picnic basket that she stole from Yogi Bear?" Cooper asked Abby, who couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"That's definitely Cathy." Abby responded as Cathy approached her.

"I have something for you." Cathy said to Abby before giving her a picnic basket.

"Junior Miss Dynamite, Junior Miss KAR and Junior Miss Nexstar." Taylor said.

"That's pretty good and all, but i'm a 45 time title winner." Cooper reminded Taylor, who's jaw hit the ground and so did Cathy, Vivi and Justice's jaws.

"It's surprising to see you here, Cathy. We thought you would be done for the remainder of the season." Holly commented.

"Well, i'm here as a certain mom..." Cathy eyed Kelly. "...told me to bring it on, now consider it brought."

"Cathy, you don't even come out to Los Angeles as you do those competitions in Ohio..." Abby pointed out before Cathy cut her off.

"I'm here as we have never done it before, so we wanted to try it and throw around some pieces of new, fresh choreography, not the old, boring and outdated choreography by using te same old stuff because it works." Cathy snorted.

"Hey!" Cooper shouted. "My Mom, Gia and the faculty of mom's studio do a fantastic job with choreography and they always freshen up the choreography and make it look great as new and another thing, my mom has kids working all over the place!"

"I sure do." Abby stated, high fiving her son.

"So we have heard, so we have heard!" Cathy retorted. "I have kids that are working too!"

"Name one of them as i've never heard of a Candy Apples dancer working!" Abby dared.

"I have Lauren, that's i n New York City and i have Matt--"

"What Broadway show is she in?"

"She's not in a Broadway show!"

"Failure!" Abby and Cooper said in unison as Cathy approached them.

"You and your little teen brat told me to bring it on." Cathy pointed her finger at the Millers before doing to the same to Kelly. "And you also told me to bring it on, so you can consider it brought!"

Cathy, Vivi, Justice and Taylor all exited the dressing room.

"And take it back to Ohio with you!" Abby shouted before closing the door before Chloe, Maddie, Mackenzie and Brooke got ready for their dances.

"We just learned 30 seconds of Paige's solo." Kelly muttered.

"Looks like Kelly's attempts to get an edge is starting to bite her in the rear end like in Las Vegas last week." Cooper said to Abby in a sotto voice.

"It sure is." Abby commented.

"30 seconds?" Holly inquired. "How did the choreographer work out?"

"30 seconds only got done, so i don't have a clue how in blazes we'll compete it and we ran out of time, that's why we didn't complete it."

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