𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞, 1

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can i just say that i don't like julia nor skye. i mean like what's the point of their existence in the series?


in the morning, after the movie night. i woke up and went downstairs and saw susannah.

i couldn't believe it but i also felt hope. that was until my hope shattered when i realised it wasn't susannah but her helf sister.


"mom?" i forgot her child's name.

"yeah? hi." julia said "oh damn." she turned off the faucet.

"i know, we're not in california but save the water." skye said.

"thank you, honey." julia said.

"how did you guys get inside?" i asked and they turned to look at me.

"the door was open." skye said. i sighed, annoyedly and walked away.

we have to lock the doors.

"oh, do you want a muffin?" skye asked and i stopped.

"those are for the open house." julia stopped me before i could grab one.

"did someone order-" jeremiah stepped in, excitedly but his excitement went away when he saw the other two.

"hey, jeremiah." skye said.

"hi." jeremiah said and walked inside the kitchen.

"conrad." skye said.

"skye." conrad said. "you didn't tell me she was here, too." he turned to jeremiah.

"it's they. not she." skye said.


"god, i guess it's been like a decade since i saw you guys." skye said. "how are you doing since your mom?"

"it's been rough." jeremiah said.

"rougher now that our aunt's stealing our house." conrad said.


"i'm not stealing anything, conrad. like it or not, i get to choose what happens to this house and i choose to put it on the market." julia said. "you boys should get on the road. beat the traffic back to boston."

"there's no chance. we're staying for the open house." conrad said.

"uh, no, no, no. i can't have a bunch of teenagers chasing everybody away. call your father, because this isn't aunt julia's problem." julia said.

"except it is your problem. because you are the problem." conrad said, stepping forward.

"i don't have time for this." julia shook her head.

"just like you didn't have time for your own sister's funeral." i said, but she continued walking out.

belly stepped inside, after eavesdropping, she went to conrad.

"she is your family, you know?" she said.

"then why is she doing this to us?" conrad asked.

"this is hard for her, too." skye said.

"really? seems like she's doing this all pretty fucking easily." conrad said, and walked out.

"he's grown into quite the asshole." skye said.

"you have no idea." jeremiah said.

"what the hell are you wearing?" i asked, steven seeing him in his kid pajamas.

"i forgot mine!" he exclaimed as taylor laughed behind him.

me and taylor went to belly's room. i haven't been hanging out with belly much. at all. i feel like i'm losing my baby sister.

"like i get it you two came here with the best intentions. but this is their family drama. i don't want you two to get sucked back into it. not when you two are already going through shit." taylor said to us both.

"we're not gonna get sucked back into it. but i know that if the open house happens today and someone makes aunt julia an offer then it's game over." i said.

we talked for a while about volleyball and munching pieces of the muffin, belly stole from the kitchen.

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