love triangle

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"hey, man. how'd the final go?" my eyes opened from my light sleep as i heard steven ask.

he then laughed, "hell yeah!" i smiled, my mom proud and happy as she glanced at steven.

"congratulations, connie!" my mom exclaimed.

"it was the flash cards, wasn't it? yeah. you can thank me later." steven said. he turned and looked at me,

"he wants to talk to you." he said. my smile slightly faltered and i took the phone.

"hi, conrad." i said. "congratulations!" i chuckled.

"thank you, rose. thank you for being there." he said.

"i didn't help you even a little bit. you should thank the other three musketeers." i smiled.

"i know, i know. i just wanted to thank you in general."

i didn't understand the meaning of his thanks and i didn't ask for explanation.

"you're welcome." i said and then handed the phone back to steven.

i laid back down in the carseat and closed my eyes, hoping to sleep.


"oh god, stop the car." i said, my mom abruptly stopped. i opened the door and threw up on the plants.

sorry, plants.

i just had a bad feeling in my stomach. i never get car sickness.

"what's wrong, rose?" mom asked.

"she's pregnant" steven joked. my eyes widened.

no. fucking. way.

"what?!" mom exclaimed.

"joking. but seeing the look on rose's face, i might be right." steven said.

"rose?!" she exclaimed.

"stop! just stop!" i yelled, coughing and throwing up more.

a woman. can not. get. pregnant. in 2 days.

"i can't get pregnant in 2 days." i said, settling in the car after washing and cleaning my mouth with water.

"mom, now you know exactly when she had sex. so in 1, 2, 3..." steven did his maths on his fingers before speaking. "we need to make her have a pregnancy test in 12 days."

"shut up, steven!" i exclaimed.

"conrad?" mom asked, looking at me through the mirror. i looked away outside the window.

"ewww!" steven exclaimed.


i spent the rest of my days before the fourth of july and my birthday, studying. studying. anddd studying.

i did my summer work, read some books, completed my remaining work and borrowed notes.

my goal now was to get in yale. yale and yale only.


"i'm going to warn you, she doesn't look very good. she's tired, very tired."

i was the last one to see her for the first time after her treatment. i had been busy and wasn't able to see her. but now i finally was.

"but she's excited to see you." mom smiled. i couldn't return it. i felt sick to my stomach knowing i will go inside and won't see my lively susannah again.

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