love fest, 2

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author's note: guys wtf i forgot my own character's name. her name is rosalyn and i thought it was rosabelle.


"Beer, tequila, vodka." belly said.

"uh, gin for skye." jeremiah said.

"who drinks gin?" belly chuckled.

"old people and skye." conrad said.

"all right, i'll take care of this guys." conrad said, showing us the fake id.

"with that?" jeremiah asked, smiling but his question was left unanswered as conrad left.

"This is not gonna work." i said, laughing as i leaned back on the seat.

"oh, no. what, your i.d didn't work, mr. herbertson?" jeremiah asked and belly and I laughed.

"fuck off, atlease i have one." he said, flipping jere off while walking to the car.

"listen, it's cause i don't need one, okay?" jeremiah said, getting out of the car. "jumper and i are tight. you know we're like bros. "

"watch and learn." jere said, turning around before walking inside.

bunch. of. idiots.

"awww, look at that face." conrad said as jeremiah walked out with empty hands. jeremiah flipped him off.

"so, do you wanna pay someone to buy it for us or..?" jeremiah asked.

"try a different store? hop a few towns over , where they don't know us as well?" conrad asked.

"i just don't think that anyone will buy your guam i.d." i said to him making jeremiah and belly laugh.

"i would love to hear your plan, rosalyn." conrad said, turning in his seat to look at him.

"you're talking to a retired party girl. watch and learn, for real this time." i said and got out of the car.

"hey, jumper." i said, walking inside the store.

the last time i talked to him, he had invited me to the bonfire and was threatened by steven.

"rose. i know why you're here." he said.

"you do?" i asked.

"you're going to give me a fake i.d or tell me some story about how your mom forgot to buy wine for a dinner party or something." he said, while i leaned down on the counter.]

"ah, see, you're incorrect on both of these things. i'm just going to tell you the truth. hoping you'll give in and let me buy alcohol." i said.

"it literally has been six shitty weeks for us." i said.

"yeah, i heard about their mom." he said and i looked down.

"yeah, and the house is sold so.. for our last day here we have decided to throw a party. you know, make the last memory actually good and memorable and not about how we lost the house without doing anything," i said. 

"you are invited by the way." i said, looking at him. he looked up from the counter to me and smiled, nodding.

and that's how you do it.

i walked out with three cola cherry slushies in hand for me, jeremiah, and belly while jumper behind me carried the alcohol on the trolley thing. i smirked at the three.

"let's get this in the car quick. and do not get pulled over on the way home, or I'll say you stole it while i was on the john." jumper said. he left and jeremiah started putting the beers in the trunk.

"i can't believe you just asked." jeremiah said.

"i can't believe it worked," conrad said, i glanced at belly who was sipping on her slushie while staring at the two it seemed as if she was zoned out and only focusing on the slushie.


i handed the slushie to jeremiah while conrad continued putting the beer inside.

"what is it?" he asked. "drink it and see." i said.

"half cherry, half coke." he smiled and looked at belly, who smiled back while sipping on her slushie.

"you twos' specialty," jeremiah said, bumping the cups with me. jeremiah and belly went to sit inside the car.

"where is mine?" conrad said.

"i thought you said it's too sweet," i said.

"well, i'm thirsty, so too bad," he said and leaned down taking a sip from my used straw. i looked around before looking at him, making eye contact.

we haven't talked about what happened last night. or what happened in the shower. as much as i enjoyed it, i don't want to talk about it because i feel ashamed in myself for it.

"it's too sweet." he said after he pulled away and shut the trunk door. i laughed, shaking my head.

"and i thought cocoa was your specialty," he said, i raised a brow as i looked at him. we looked away and sat inside the car, him driving away.


"it's a rager, so go big." i said, entering the party city market.

"but how big are we talking, rose?" jeremiah asked, wrapping an arm around belly's shoulder.

"right, i mean, are we talking like... dad's amex big or..." conrad trailed off as he took out the card.

"the sacred emergency amex?" jeremiah dramatically said, conrad shrugged.

"wait, guys, are you thinking what i am thinking?" jeremiah asked.

"depends on what you're thinking," i said.

"blow-up furniture, strobe lights, bubbles machines-- the whole shebang," jeremiah said. i nodded and smiled.

"how would kim kardashian throw a party?" i smiled.

"yes, yes, and yes." belly said.

"okay. last one to fill a cart has to load it all in," jeremiah said before we hurriedly grabbed a cart and ran around the market.

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