love game, 2

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the three of us got ready, and i went downstairs when the doorbell rang. i went to the door to open it while taylor and belly went into the kitchen.

"hi, can i help you?" i asked after opening the door and seeing a woman, standing there.

"sandy denati. i'm looking for julia." the woman said.

"she isn't here." i said, blankly. "she cancelled last-minute. she's having second thoughts."

"sorry, who are you?" the woman asked, just when conrad grabbed the door opening it more.

"she's my girlfriend, and she's right. the house is not for sale." conrad said, confidently.

oh. my.

"conrad fisher, right?" sandy asked, and he nodded. "it's nice to see you. i'm sorry about your mom." sandy said.

"well, clearly not sorry enough to pass up the opportunity to sell her house." conrad said.

"i'm just doing my job." sandy said.

"well, consider this an unexpected day off." conrad smiled.

"ignore them! ignore them!" julia exclaimed and i rolled my eyes.

"there will be an open house today." julia said, walking to the door. "but there does seem to be a minor problem with the ac. it died."

conrad looked at me and i looked back and we both looked away.

"that is not a minor problem, julia. it's supposed to hit 95 today!" sandy exclaimed, annoyedly.

"yeah, okay, um, let's chat outside for a minute." julia said, stepping out and they both walked away. and conrad shut the door but i tried to stop it but failed.

we stepped inside the house a little, looking around, awkwardly.

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to call you my girlfriend." he said, his face the same as it always was. dead.

"don't worry... about it. it's cool." i said.


"it's so hot. 2,000 degrees in here." taylor said as i walked in the kitchen.

"julia said the ac is broken." i said, opening the fridge and taking out a water bottle and grabbing a glass.

"oh, whaaat? no way." steven said.

"today's open house has been cancelled." julia said, coming in the kitchen and we smiled.

"so, i need you all out of the house while i get ac guy here to do some work." she said. "also, uh, who is the ac guy?" she asked.

"uh, do you want me to look one up for you?" skye asked.

"uh, no, that's okay." julia said.

"should we celebrate?" i asked, whispering near jeremiah's ear. he looked at me and then smirked and winked. i smiled and looked away.

"i'm certain susannah has her preffered technician and four approved backups right here." julia said, opening a drawer and the mention of her name brings a pang to my chest.

it doesn't feel nice. hearing her name. it always brings this pang to my chest because then the realisation sets in again that she isn't alive.

"great. now we don't have to lie about the black mold to the buyers. let's go to the beach." jeremiah said.

"i'm not leaving." conrad said.

"come on, conrad. we've won this round. let's just get out." jeremiah said.

"the mall has good ac." taylor said.

"cool. have fun." conrad said. "i didn't ditch finals just to leave this house for the taking by-"

"conrad! i'm trying... straining to keep my shit together." julia said. "you've already ruined my day. the least you could do is get out of my hair for a few hours."

"you think you're the only one-" i cut off conrad, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"what about the boardwalk?" i asked and removed my hand.

i want to get away from her as soon as possible because if i stay here a minute longer, i'll do something susannah will be disappointed in me with.

"yeah, the boardwalk. that's a great idea." jeremiah said.

"yeah, i'm down." belly said.

"yeah, me too." taylor said.

"me three. i'm down." steven said.

"hey, you should come with us, skye." i looked at belly, with a "are you serious?" look and she shrugged.

"oh, um, sounds very state fair. i think i should just stay with you, right?" skye said, turning back to their mother.

yes. say yes please, please.

"no. wasn't my favourite, but you might like it." julia said and i threw my head back, annoyedly.

"i shouldn't just stay with you?" skye asked.

"this is wasting time." i said, so only the 6 of us could hear.

"no, i'll be fine. after this, i'm going to go back to the hotel for a nap and a nan fan." julia said and i sighed, boredly, looking around.

"guess, i'm coming with you guys." skye shrugged and i fake smiled before dropping it and walking out.

we walked out but belly and jeremiah stayed in the house for a while talking about something.

"why did belly had to invite skye?" conrad asked, his voice low as he bend down near my ear, gripping my arm.

"i don't know!" i whispered loudly. "i don't like it either."

"aren't you glad we came?" i asked conrad after we reached.

"how is this any less hot than it would be inside?" conrad asked, looking down at me.

"because you have the magical sea breeze to cool you down." i said.

"cool breeze, my ass. i want some ice cream. nature's air conditioning." taylor said and we both looked at her.

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