2 - Getting Ready

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Washing off the gas station stink was always the priority when I got home from work. Thankfully, a shower was good for calming my nerves too.

Ever since Evan asked me out yesterday, I hadn't been able to focus on anything else and I was beginning to freak myself out about it. I scrubbed my hair and skin until everything was soft and peach scented.

Michelle would be home any minute to help me decide what to wear, and I was even more grateful than usual that we shared an apartment. My heart was racing so fast, you'd think I'd never been on a date before. I had, but not like this one.

Every guy I'd dated before was someone I already knew—most of them were taking college classes like me. But Evan was a grown-ass man. A full adult.

I paid my own bills, and I took care of myself, but somehow he seemed like a more adulty-adult than me. He probably didn't even think things like adulty-adult.

When I sent him my address last night, he replied, "Perfect. I'll see you at eight. You might want to dress up."

Dress up! What did that mean? How dressy? The nicest dates I'd ever been on weren't nice enough to wear anything special. I didn't know if I even had anything appropriate to wear. I hoped Michelle had something I could borrow.

By the time she walked in, half my closet was spread out on my bed. "What are you doing, Camilla?"

She picked up a short, shiny white dress I was pretty sure was made of plastic. "Wasn't this part of a sexy nurse costume for Halloween?"

"Yes." I growled from the back of my closet. "I won't wear it. I was just hoping to find something dressy hiding back here. Why do I have so many jeans and tee shirts? I'm 22 years old! Shouldn't I have at least one nice outfit?"

She giggled, and I looked up with an unamused stare. "Are you going to help, or just watch me freak out?"

"Hang on. I'll be right back." She walked away laughing, and I sat with my head in my hands.

I still had to do my hair and makeup. I looked at the time. Holy crap! Only thirty minutes!

Maybe I should just cancel. I had nothing to wear, and I was running late. I'd be way too frazzled to be around Evan, who made me nervous just by being in the same building.

Yeah, I needed to cancel.

I was drafting an apology text when Michelle strolled in with the perfect dress. "Where did you get that?" I asked as I jumped to my feet.

"I wore it to homecoming junior year, remember? It'll be a little tighter on you, with your curves, but that might be a good thing."

I pulled off the long tee I'd thrown on after my shower and slipped into the dress. It was black and made of a soft, clingy material. The v neck was a little low, but not too much. I spun to give Michelle the full picture before asking, "What do you think?"

"Girl, you look hot! Your black strappy sandals will look great with it. Be careful bending over though. Unless you put on some lacy panties." She shimmied her shoulders, and I rolled my eyes.

"No one will see my panties tonight."

"You say that now, but what if Evan asks really nicely?" She bit her lip with a grin.

"You're the worst. Are you going to help me get ready, or just keep making me more nervous?"

"Nervous?" She scoffed. "That's silly. He's good looking, but so are you. Plus, you're smart, and funny, and he's lucky you agreed to go out with him. So you get your head straight, and I'll fix your hair and makeup."

"That was sweet. Thanks."

"It's just the truth. Besides, first dates are fun, and I don't plan on ever going on one again. I'm fixing you up like you're my Barbie so I can live vicariously through you."

"If only all of us could find our Theo, fall in love young, and plan our lives together." I folded my hands beside my face and blinked rapidly, like a cartoon in love.

"I might wear his ring, but I'm still making him wait a couple more years. I'm not getting locked down too young and making all my mom's mistakes."

"But you've already been together forever. Do you really think moving in with him could be a mistake?"

She glanced at me in the mirror as she slid the curling iron from my hair. "I think I'll be with him forever, so why rush out of this apartment to his house? We have our whole lives."

I wasn't sure what made her wait, but I was glad. I didn't know what I'd do when she moved out. Maybe I'd be able to afford a place on my own by then.

Thirty minutes later, my hair hung in loose waves just past my shoulders, and my makeup was perfect with just a little shimmery eye shadow and a natural tint making my lips shine. Standing in front of the full-length mirror on the back of my door, I assessed myself from every angle. "I look pretty good!"

"Pretty good? You look smokin' hot. He asked you out after only seeing you in work clothes. He's going to die when he sees you like this."

I studied myself in the mirror again and decided she was right. My back straightened with the extra confidence, just as a knock sounded at the door.

Michelle squealed in excitement. "I'll get it. You get your purse."

I collected my stuff and left my room. Michelle stood holding the front door open as Evan stepped inside with a bouquet of red roses.

Holy shit! My pulse raced. He brought me roses? No one had ever done that and I didn't know what to say without gushing like an idiot.

Before I could worry too much, Evan said, "Wow! You're stunning." He held the flowers out as he moved closer, and I took them with a smile.

"Thank you. You..." The flowers surprised me so much that I hadn't really looked at him, and oh hell, he looked good. My mouth hung open, but I couldn't form words and my cheeks heated with embarrassment.

Thankfully, Michelle saw that I'd gone blank and saved me. "Here Camilla, I'll take those for you."

She took the flowers, and with her back to him, gave me a stern look that said get it together! Then, she stage-whispered, "I'll just use the same vase you used last time, okay?"

I giggled before nodding. "Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks." Did we even own a vase?

Evan watched us with a smile, then put his elbow out for me. "Are you ready to go?"

I took his arm and tried not to stare. As we walked out the door, I looked back at Michelle. She mouthed, oh my God! And I widened my eyes as I mouthed back, I know! Before closing the door.

Man, did I know. I thought I was stepping it up, but damn—he looked freaking amazing. His black dress shirt was open at the collar, under a dark gray suit. Everything fit perfectly. He must've had it tailored to hug his muscles that way—this was more than off the rack hotness.

I wondered what he looked like without all those fancy clothes, then flinched at the thought. Woah! Rein it in, girl. Not happening, even if he asked nicely. Standing tall, I focused on walking without tripping.

He even smelled fantastic. I leaned over to take a deep breath of him like a crazy person. We hadn't even made it to the car yet, and I was losing it. Michelle was right. I needed to get it together.

He walked to the passenger side of a little sports car and opened the door for me. After getting settled, I watched him glide around the front to his side. So far, I liked dating an adulty-adult.

Are first dates fun or nerve wracking?
What do you think? Comment here and let me know! 👀

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