8 - My Man

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We stepped under the warm water, and he quickly scrubbed his hands before turning me to face the shower wall. Steam filled the small space as he moved my hair to the side, covering my neck in kisses.

Water sprayed over his shoulders, wetting my hair and running down my back as he nudged my legs apart with his knee. His hand slid up between my thighs, making my heart race, and I leaned my head back onto his chest.

"Wait." I held his hand in place as his rock hard cock pressed against my ass. "Do you have a condom?"

Evan nibbled along my shoulder. "I'm clean and you're on the pill. I trust you."

He threaded his fingers into my hair and tugged my head to the side, giving him better access to my neck and jaw. "I told you I love you, Camilla. And you said you love me."

"I do." I whimpered as his teeth grazed my earlobe.

"Then why would we need a condom?" He slipped his middle finger over my clit as he palmed my pussy. "You won't give this sweet cunt to anyone else, will you?"

"Of course not." My brow furrowed.

"Good." He rubbed the sensitive bud in slow circles. "If this is all mine, why do you want to keep yourself from me?"

"I don't." I shook my head. He made sense, I guess. "I've just never had sex without a condom." Of course, I'd never been in a relationship like this either.

"Let me really feel you, Camilla." His finger slipped inside, rubbing me deep. "Tell me you want that."

"I do." Sighing, I leaned my cheek against the shower wall as his words and fingers drove me wild. "I don't want anything between us."

"That's my, baby doll." He spun me to face him, and lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist. The head of his cock pressed against my entrance. "My perfect girl." He slid inside with a deep groan. "I love you, Camilla."

"Oh!" I circled my hips, wanting more. "I love you." My back slid on the wet shower wall as long strokes hit all the right places inside and I whimpered. "Ah! More!"

A rough sound rumbled in his chest as his hand slipped up to grip my throat. His thumb caressed the curve of my neck as his fingers tightened, but not enough to cause pain, just enough to make my pulse pound through my body.

This was new, but not bad, and it seemed to turn him on even more—he throbbed inside me. I cried out, and he pumped harder, faster, grinding into me, pushing me to the edge of my release.

"You like that?"

I nodded as his fingertips bit into my skin. He gripped me tighter, and kept brutal pace that pulled a constant stream of moans from me.

When I came, he was with me. A cry left his lips, and he released my throat.

"Baby doll," he licked the water drops from the side of my neck where his fingers had been, "that was perfect."

His harsh breaths ghosted over my damp skin as I panted and shook from the aftershocks of my second orgasm. He hummed as he slipped out of me and lowered my feet to the floor.

"That was the best sex I've ever had." I leaned up on my toes for a kiss.

"You're with a real man now. I won't cheat or steal from you," he tweaked my nipple, making me shiver, "but I do know how to fuck you right."

"Mmm, my man." I massaged his shoulders and trailed my fingers into his dripping hair. "I like the sound of that."

He kissed my softly. The complete opposite of his rough touch from moments before. "Stay with me," he whispered.

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