20 - Six Months

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The bathroom door squeaked open, and I hurried to fill a mug with coffee. It would only take Evan a couple of minutes to finish getting ready for work, and I liked to have his breakfast waiting for him. It was the least I could do while I wasn't working or going to school.

Setting his plate filled with an omelet and toast beside his coffee at the table, I stirred in a dash of milk with a spoonful of sugar. Warm hands slid around my waist under my shirt and I took a deep breath of his cologne as I leaned back against him.

"This looks great, baby doll." He kissed my neck before taking his seat. "Ham and cheese?" Evan poked at the omelet.

"Yep." I grabbed the hot sauce from the counter and set it on the table.

He smiled and reached for my wrist, tugging me down on his lap. "Thank you." He gave me a quick kiss before taking a bite and humming in satisfaction. "This is great." Forking another bite, he held it up for me.

I nodded as I chewed. "I'm glad you like it."

As had become our habit over the last few weeks, I sat on his lap while we shared breakfast. "What are your plans for today?" he asked between taking bites and feeding me.

"Not much. Some cleaning, and I found a new yoga channel I like. I think I'll do an episode or two of that before I get myself cleaned up and make dinner." I hoped he didn't notice the way my voice went high with the lie. He didn't need to know every little thing I did all day.

"That sounds good." He sipped his coffee. "I should be home by six."

"Okay. I think I'll try to make lasagna."

Evan squeezed my thigh. "I'm sure you can. You said you couldn't cook, but everything you've made has been great."

I grinned at the compliment and he nuzzled my neck as his hand moved higher between my legs. He rubbed the seam of my sleep shorts, pressing against my clit. I gasped and rested my head back on his shoulder.

"My baby doll takes good care of me. Don't you?"

I nodded as he moved his hands up under my shirt and a rough sound came from his throat as he cupped my breasts. "I love when you don't put your bra on before breakfast."

"I know." I giggled as he pinched my nipples.

"Sweet, horny girl. You're so perfect for me." He massaged my breasts gently. "I wish I didn't have to leave."

"Me too." I pouted and wiggled my ass against his erection. "I wish we could just be here all the time."

Evan groaned. "That would be amazing. But at least I get to come home to you." He tilted my chin back to kiss my lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"I have to go before my willpower runs out and I can't leave. I'll already be picturing us right here for the rest of the day." He kissed me once more before setting me on my feet and standing. "If only I could get paid for making you come."

I grinned and reached up on my toes to peck his soft lips. "We'd be rich."

He chuckled and squeezed my ass. "Yeah, we would."

After standing on the porch, waving goodbye to Evan, I cleaned the kitchen. With that taken care of, it was time to visit with Wolfy. Hiding a few bits of meat I saved for him as a treat, I crossed the yard.

Wolfy stood on his back legs and pawed the air with excitement as I got closer. "Morning, sweet doggy! Who's the best boy?"

The massive dog whined and bounced around at the end of his rope like a puppy. When I reached him, he sat and waited to be hugged. Even when he was hyper, he was always gentle. I wrapped my arms around his furry neck and patted his back.

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