19 - Wrong Signals

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Evan glared at the table. If I didn't fix this soon, the night would be ruined. Reaching across, I traced his knuckles with my fingertip and whispered, "I'm sorry if it seemed like I was flirting with the waiter. I didn't mean to."

He leaned back, taking his hand away, and tension twisted my stomach. Scooting to the edge of the booth, I stood and moved to sit beside him. Hugging his hard bicep, I kissed his shoulder. "Your attention is all I need."

He stayed quiet, but at least he didn't pull away. That was an improvement.

"Don't be mad. Please." I trailed my fingers over his thigh. "I love you."

He peered down at me, bringing his mouth close to mine. "Are you sure?"

"Umm, hmm." I pecked his lips, and he held my cheek, deepening the kiss. Our tongues moved together as his thumb caressed my cheekbone.

With his forehead resting against mine, he said, "Shit like that scares me. I don't know how I'd live without you."

"You're all I'll ever want." Below the table, I stroked his length over his jeans and studied the way his green eyes darkened as he hardened under my touch. "No one compares to how you make me feel, Evan."

"You were made for me." He brushed his nose over mine and stopped my hand. "But unless you want me to fuck you in the bathroom, you should stop."

I grinned as though considering it, and Evan smirked. "Careful, baby doll." He moved closer to whisper, "I'll make you scream my name for everyone to hear."

My core throbbed, and the waiter arrived, setting our drinks in front of us. "Your food will be right out," he said, but I kept my eyes on my handsome boyfriend. I wouldn't ruin our night.

"Thanks." Evan nodded at the waiter and rested his warm palm on my thigh.

When we were alone again, I leaned forward to sip my drink—it was strong but yummy. I took a few long sips to relax, and my face warmed.

Evan chuckled and brushed the backs of his fingers over my cheeks. "You're blushing."

"It's the drink." I smiled up at him.

Our food appeared in front of us. "Can I get you anything else?"

I took a chip off the plate and ate it without looking up. "No. We're fine," Evan answered, and the waiter walked away.

After another long drink, I said, "This is so good, but it's about half tequila." I giggled and leaned closer as we ate.

Soft touches and sweet words filled our time. The waiter checked on us, and Evan ordered me a second margarita, but I was careful to keep my attention where it belonged, so I wouldn't send any wrong signals.

Finally, the food was gone; I had a heavy buzz, and the check came. While we waited for Evan's card to be returned, he kissed my cheek and nibbled my earlobe until a quiet moan escaped. Wanting more, I tilted my head, and he kissed my neck.

"Do you like that?" His rough voice and warm breath ghosting over my skin made me shiver.

"I do."

He pulled back to meet my gaze. "Is my baby doll wet for me?"

"Soaked." I traced the seam of his full lips with the tip of my tongue.

The waiter set Evan's card back on the table. "You two have a good night."

Evan nodded and slid his card into his wallet. I kissed his jaw and whispered, "I want you so bad."

His mouth curved up at the corner. "How bad?"

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