40 - Just One

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Monday afternoon and classes were over—time for work. Jarod said a quick goodbye as he rushed off to meet his boyfriend. I waved, grinning at his excitement over seeing a guy he'd been with for over two years, and had just seen this morning.

It was sweet, something I'd always wanted—used to want. Now, it was clear that kind of life just wasn't meant for me. I sighed and stood beside my desk collecting my bookbag and purse, along with the keychain I now carried in my hand whenever I was outside.

Maybe it was a silly thing to do, but having the pepper spray Scott gave me available at my fingertips made me breathe a little easier. If I tucked it away in my purse and something happened, what good would it do? Besides, it wasn't even noticeable. Scott had gotten a small, teal one that was actually pretty cute for a weapon.

Stepping out of the enormous brick building where I'd spent my morning, I sighed when raindrops hit my face. All day the gray clouds had threatened a thunderstorm. Of course, they waited until I had to cross the entire campus.

I pulled the hood of my jacket up around my face so I wouldn't completely ruin my makeup before I got to Rush. The crowd filling the open space at the center of campus seemed to be doing the same thing—covering up as they scurried to the next building in their schedule.

When I reached Rush a few minutes later, several people were crammed under the small awning. Some were waiting to get inside for their afternoon caffeine, some carried cups as they prepared to brave the weather.

I'd have liked to slip through and get inside, but being an employee, I did the nice thing and held the door open to help them move faster and clear the doorway. One woman struggled with her umbrella, and I reached for her cup. "Would you like me to hold that for a sec?"

"Oh! Yes, please. Thank you." She passed me her drink and popped the umbrella open quickly. "Thanks. I just got my hair straightened. Don't want to mess it up." I smiled as she took her cup and left.

As she walked away the breeze shifted, blowing mist into my face and making me close my eyes for a second. I took a deep breath of the cool air and froze. Expensive, spicy cologne filled my head and turned my stomach. Evan.

My gaze darted over everyone trying to spot him, but there was only a sea of hats and umbrellas. My pulse raced, pounding in my ears as my grip on the pepper spray tightened. But no one was looking at me, and with the woman who was worried about her hair out of the way, the cluster of people had cleared.

I took another breath, and the scent was blissfully gone, but I couldn't relax. Tension filled me as I crossed the small dining area. A squeal ripped through the quiet room and I almost jumped out of my skin before meeting Christy's gaze and seeing her huge grin.

"Camilla! Look at you with the sassy new cut! I'm digging it, girl! You look hot!" She bit her lower lip and shimmied her shoulders, making me laugh even as my cheeks heated.

I shook my head and flipped my now shoulder-length hair as my heart rate slowed. "Thanks! I'm glad I chopped it all off."

"Awesome!" She lowered her voice to sound mock tough. "Now, go clock in and get that cute ass to work. We've got a line."

I laughed as I went to follow her orders.

When everyone finally had their coffee and the crowd thinned, Evan still filled my mind. Thinking I saw him, and now thinking I smelled him, made my skin crawl, but it had to be a coincidence. It wasn't like he made his own cologne. Other guys wore it.

I rolled my eyes at myself, but still couldn't shake the feeling. Pulling my cell from my back pocket, I texted Scott.

Me: No reason, but is there any way you could see if Evan left town?

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