10 - Passing Strangers

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As I started my car to head to work, I tossed my cell in my purse and zipped it up. No one would call anyway. Evan was already at work, and Michelle hadn't spoken to me for almost two months, unless it was totally necessary.

I sent her another text last night while Evan was in the shower, telling her how happy he makes me. Never in my life had I felt so loved and important to someone. I apologized again for being selfish with my time, and said I missed her and Jake, but there was no response.

All I needed was time for Evan to get used to things and to realize I wasn't like all the terrible girlfriends he'd had. I wouldn't use him for what I could get, and I'd never cheat.

Evan talked about our future. He had real plans for us. It warmed my chest, knowing he loved me enough to dream about our lives together. No one else had ever done that.

Michelle never had to deal with relationship uncertainty, so she didn't realize what a big deal it was to have someone who cared enough to plan. She'd found her boyfriend in high school.

After all the awful boyfriends I had, I understood Evan's sensitivity toward things like me having a best friend that's a guy. So, I avoided Jake.

Once Evan got used to the idea and had time to really trust me, things would change. He knew we were just friends, but that was hard to believe when you're used to being cheated on.

Honestly, I wouldn't love it if he hung out with another woman either. Especially if she were pretty, and Jake's a hottie. I missed him, though.

As I stopped at a red light, my thoughts settled on Jake. We used to hang out at least a couple of days a week. Now I only saw him at work. We'd always been there for each other, no matter what.

Whenever a jerk I dated upset me by cheating or stealing from me or forgetting about me altogether, Jake was the one to make me feel better. He'd joke I needed to get all the terrible relationships out of the way before I was ready to settle down. After every break up, he'd be there with ice cream and a smile, ready to cheer me up.

Back when my parents were still alive, I'd thought he and I liked each other. We were young, but I had little girl dreams of ending up with him when we were older.

But after their accident, things changed. The flirting stopped and he started treating me like a sister. He watched out for me and cared about me like family would.

I shook the memories from my mind. None of that mattered right now, and I wouldn't mention it to Evan. It definitely wouldn't help his insecurities. Jake's attractive, and he cares about me—that was enough of a red flag.

As I pulled into a parking spot, I took a deep breath before getting out of the car. I'd go in with a friendly attitude. I loved my friends, and I wouldn't be drawn into another argument with Michelle.

Going in through the back, I stopped to hang my purse in the closet, and heard Michelle and Jake chatting through the side door as he cut up the smoked meat.

I popped over with a smile. "Hey guys!"

Jake shot me a small smile before turning back to his table. "Hey."

Michelle only glanced my way, then stopped. Scanning my shirt, she huffed in annoyance. "What are you wearing?"

"A blue t-shirt, same as you." My good intentions wouldn't last long. I knew she'd make a big deal about this.

"No, not the same as me. I'm wearing the shirt Reggie gave me for work. You're wearing a plain crew neck. Wouldn't Evan let you wear this one?" Her mouth pinched to the side, and she cocked a hip. She definitely wanted to argue.

"Evan doesn't have to let me do anything. Wearing a shirt that showed my cleavage for work bothered him, so I decided not to wear it. I don't think that's so weird of him, do you, Jake?"

He shook his head without looking up. "Nope, not getting involved. Pretend I'm not here."

"Fine." I huffed. "I don't think it's a big deal, and Reggie won't care, so I don't know why it's bothering you."

"Because we've been wearing these shirts for years, and they're not inappropriate. They're tee shirts for crap's sake!"

Michelle held up her hand to count on her fingers. "You don't have time for us. You're acting differently. You're growing your hair out when I know you hate it long. You stopped wearing make-up to work!" She scoffed.

Heat crawled up the back of my neck. "That's ridiculous! I like my hair the way it is. And is it so weird that I don't want to hang out, when all you do lately is give me crap?"

"You're changing for him when there was nothing wrong with you to begin with. And I noticed you didn't say anything about why you've stopped wearing make-up."

"Not that I have to explain myself to you, but I just didn't want to."

"Since when?"

"Since it made Evan feel like I was still looking for a man, and I'm not. I don't think I look bad without it."

"That's not the point. Of course you look fine, but you used to love wearing make-up. You even wore it at home when it was just us."

"All of that stuff is superficial. I haven't changed anything that matters!"

Jake cleared his throat, and we both looked at him. "What about school? You never used to miss classes, and I haven't seen you there in a couple of weeks."

"What?" Michelle screeched, and disappointment pulled the anger from her expression.

I narrowed my eyes at Jake. "I thought we were pretending you weren't here."

He shrugged. "You care about school, or at least you used to. You are changing, even if you don't see it. I see it."

My hands shook, and I crossed my arms to hide it. Why were they ganging up on me? Couldn't they just be happy for me? "You know what? Let's just focus on work. I didn't come here to be picked on."

Jake sighed. "We're not picking on you, Camilla. We care about you."

"Yeah? Well, you have a funny way of showing it!"

I stomped to the office to clock in, and didn't speak to them for the rest of the shift.

On my way home, I decided to stop and get a few of my things, so I wouldn't have to go back for a couple days. Michelle clocked out an hour before me, and I hoped she went to Theo's, but when I pulled up, her car was there.

I fell forward, resting my head against the steering wheel, and took a slow breath. Maybe I could get in and out without another fight.

When I entered the apartment, I went straight to my room and closed the door without seeing her. But when I came out after grabbing a few necessities, she was perched on the couch, waiting.

"Will you please talk to me for a minute?" Her kind tone was a surprise, and I stopped.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I miss you. You've gone from my best friend to a passing stranger. I feel like I don't even know you anymore."

"That's a little dramatic, don't you think?"

"The Camilla I knew put nothing before her friends. And you've worked so hard to get this far in school. Now you're not going? I don't get it."

"There's nothing to get. School's fine. Evan was home a few times when I was getting ready for class, and I stayed with him because I wanted to. It's not a big deal."

"It seems like you're jumping through a lot of hoops for him."

"I'm happy." My teeth clenched, but I tried not to show my anger.

She studied my face for a minute before responding. "Fine. Then I'm happy for you. Stop cutting me out of your life."

A weight lifted from my shoulders. "I didn't mean to. Everything just got out of hand."


Things were slightly less awkward as we hugged, and my step was lighter as I strolled to my car.

Maybe everything will be better now!
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