24 - All Mine

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Evan chuckled as I cringed at the steep mountainside and gripped his arm as he followed the winding road through the colorful autumn trees climbing toward our cabin. "Baby doll, you don't have to worry. I promise I'll stay on the road."

"I know, but it's so high! Look at the drop." I leaned toward the window and pulled back quickly, pressing my forehead to his shoulder. "Nevermind. Don't look. It's awful."

"You'll be okay once you get on your feet, and the view from the cabin should be fantastic." He patted my leg and slowed as we went around the next curve, taking the dirt path to the right. "Here we are."

The car crawled up the dusty, wooded path until the trees thinned and a beautiful cabin with a bright red roof came into view. I gasped as Evan parked and we sat looking at the wide porch that disappeared around the side, hanging over a ledge with nothing but autumn forest as far as the eye could see.

"Oh, my gosh. This is beautiful."

"All for you, sweet girl." Evan got out of the car and I waited as he came around to open my door and we collected the bags.

"It's so quiet here."

"The next house is farther up the mountain." He put his arm around my waist, hugging me close to his side. "It's just me and my baby doll for three whole days."

"I'm so excited." I beamed as we went up the stairs leading to the front door and Evan entered the number the owner of the property had given him into the lockbox containing the key. Once inside, we explored the cozy space.

A comfy sitting room that included a huge fireplace and a small kitchen. The bedroom had navy walls and a luxurious burgundy comforter covering the massive bed that looked like something out of a magazine, but the thing that caught my attention was the vases of white roses covering every available surface surrounding the bed.

"Wow! You did this for me?" My voice tightened with emotion. "This is amazing."

Evan's arms circled my waist as he pulled me back to rest against his hard chest. "You're amazing." He nuzzled my neck, kissing and sucking below my ear, making me giggle. Patting my butt, he stepped back. "Come look at the bathroom."

I followed him to the en suite, and my mouth fell open when I spotted the enormous shower. "Wow!" Half of the far wall was a window with a view of treetops and the sky. Beautiful.

"What do you think?"

He came back to take my hand, and I reached up on my toes to press my mouth to his. "Everything's perfect. Thank you for bringing me here."

His hands slid down my sides, gripping my ass and holding me against him. "I love you so much. I want to give you everything, baby doll."

Gliding my palms over his hard chest, I curved my hand around the back of his neck, pulling his mouth down to mine. The kiss was deep and slow, and as he pulled away, I frowned, making him grin.

"We only have a few hours of sunlight left. I thought you might like to check out the walking path before dark, but if you want to stay here, that'd be fine with me." Evan smiled and brushed his nose over mine.

My gaze shifted to the amazing view. "Okay, outside first."

He stepped back, kissed my hand, and a few minutes later, we headed behind the house to the beginning of a walking path the owner advertised. Holding hands, we chatted as we strolled through the trees.

"Thanks again for doing this," I said.

"I like treating you. Besides, I'm sure I'll get the bonus again this month."

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