22 - Just Dreaming

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A breeze lifted my hair, cooling my neck as the bright sun shone through the trees. The dancing leaves created pretty shadows on the forest floor and the distant sound of birdsong was all that could be heard.

Wolfy ran ahead, sniffing everything and wagging his tail, bounding back to me every few minutes for a quick pet before he took off again, chasing his new friend. The tiny brown bunny waited for him to catch up before taking off again, disappearing under the bushes that lined the path. It was a perfect day.

Walking so far suddenly had me panting for breath. I clutched my chest, wheezing for air, and tumbled into the lake. Underwater, I kicked and reached, but moved no closer to the surface. Everything went dark.

Clawing at my throat, I woke with my fingers grasping at the powerful hands circling my neck, frantically searching for a way to pull them off of me. Swinging my arm out in panicked confusion, I hit Evan in the ribs.

What was happening? Why was he doing this?

Swinging as hard as I could, stars flashed before my eyes as my fist connected with his stomach. He grunted and loosened his hold.

Shoving his hands away, I rolled over and gasped for air, each breath scraping down my dry throat to fill my burning lungs. My eyes watered and I whimpered as I kicked my legs free of the blankets and almost fell from the bed.

Sleepy grumbling rumbled incoherently behind me as a muscular arm curved over my waist, pulling me back. "Where are you going, baby doll? What's wrong?"

Still panting, I twisted to look at him in the moonlit bedroom. "What the hell was that?"

"What?" He yawned.

"You were choking me! I couldn't breathe!"

His jaw dropped, and he shook his head. "No."

I said nothing as he reached back to flick on the dim lamp on the nightstand. Moving my hair, he inspected my neck and shock covered his face as tears welled in his eyes. "No. I was just dreaming."

He sat up and cupped my cheeks. "You have to believe me. You know I'd never hurt you on purpose." Leaning closer, he rested his forehead on mine. "I didn't mean to, I swear."

A sob tore from his chest, and he collapsed back on the bed. His forearm draped over his eyes, covering them as tears ran back into his hair.

"What do you mean, dreaming?" I whispered.

"You were cheating on me." His voice cracked. "You broke my heart." The arm closest to me moved to hold his stomach. "It made me sick, but I'm so sorry. I'd never have done that if I was awake. You know that. Please, don't hate me."

He shook with the strength of his bawling. I'd never seen such a big strong man so upset. My fingers traced over my neck, ensuring that I was in one piece. It was sore, but fine. Everything was fine.

What had I done to cause such a dream? Things had been perfect between us for weeks. My pulse slowed, but my heart ached seeing him in such pain.

"I don't hate you, Evan."

"Don't leave me, baby doll. Please. God, I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you so much." A stream of tears flowed back, wetting the hair at his temples.

Pulling his arm down, I used the sheet to dry his face. "I'm not going anywhere. I love you too."

He sniffed and studied my expression. "You wouldn't cheat on me, would you?"

"Never." I leaned against his hard body, warming my cool skin. "You're the only man I want."

"I love you more than anything. I'm so sorry if I hurt you."

"It's okay. I'm fine." I slid my leg between his, and my nearness seemed to soothe him. Our connection was so powerful. "I love you too."

His face softened, and his fingers threaded into my hair. "Do you really forgive me?"

"Of course. You weren't even awake."

"My sweet girl." He gave me a sad smile, but I could still see the uncertainty in his eyes as he pulled me closer for a soft kiss.

I needed to take that guilt from his expression, and make sure he knew I forgave him, and I'd never cheat. Running my fingertips over the ridges and dips of his abs, I deepened our kiss, infusing it with every bit of my love.

He groaned and ran his palm down my side, hooking his fingers behind my thigh and pulling me on top of his rigid cock. Holding my hips, he rubbed my pussy over his length as we kissed, causing my heart rate to spike as I combed my fingers into his hair.

I whimpered as my core throbbed and I rocked against him faster. Pulling back, I kissed down his jaw, stroking his cheek with mine as I whispered in his ear, "I love you, Evan."

"You still want me, sweet girl?"

"So much. Always." I lifted enough to slip my hand between us and press the head of his dick to my entrance.

"Show me." He inhaled through his teeth as I inched lower, stretching and filling myself with him. "Always so wet for me. My precious girl."

Evan rolled us over until he was on top, looking down at me and pumping slowly. "No one could ever love you more than I do. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

His words filled my chest with warm tingles. "I've never loved anyone more."

He leaned down to kiss and suck my nipples as he played with my clit and kept his movements slow. It was driving me crazy. I dug my fingers into his back and wrapped my legs around his waist, urging him to move faster.

"You need me, baby doll?"

I nodded.

"Say it. I want to hear you."

"I need you Evan. More, please!"

His thrusts became hard and fast, pounding into me until I cried out and his grip on my shoulder tightened, holding me in place. "That's my horny girl." He panted against my cheek. "You love my big cock."

"So big."

He made an approving sound that sent a thrill through me. I whimpered as he ground against me, using his thumb to press my clit. Pressure built in my lower tummy, sending goosebumps over my trembling limbs.

"You love the way I fuck you. No one else."

"I'll never want anyone else. Only you." His name escaped on a long moan as heat overflowed inside me and waves of pleasure filled my body.

Evan's movements became erratic as he came and scraped my shoulder with his teeth. "My sweet girl." He trailed gentle kisses over my neck and collarbone. "I love you, my baby doll."

More kisses covered my skin as I reveled in the aftershocks of the orgasm he gave me. I squeezed his biceps and brushed his sweaty hair back from his face as I caught my breath, then pulled him down to lie on top of me.

I rubbed his back and shoulders as he shifted lower to kiss between my breasts and hugged me with his cheek on my stomach. "I couldn't live without you," he whispered, making me smile.

"You'll never have to."

⭐️ Hit the star and brighten my day! 🥰

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