five : a poisoning

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five : a poisoning

Grace heard Kali's plan

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Grace heard Kali's plan.

She didn't like it.

That lead the blonde to barge into a random room that held Stiles, Lydia, and Cora. They all looked quickly toward her.

"Tonight," Was the first word out of her mouth. "Kali's coming for Derek tonight."

"What do you mean tonight?" Cora asked, standing up slightly in fear for her brother.

"Someone from this pack is going to die tonight, but it's not gonna be Derek," She told them. "Kali's giving him until the next full moon to finish the job she starts tonight. She hasn't decided who to kill, but I just know it's one of the werewolves in the pack that's not Scott."

"Why not Scott?" Stiles asked.

"Deucalion wants him alive, for some rea-" She cut herself off as her eyes glowed purple and flickered green. Stiles went up to her, not knowing what to do. Grace snapped out of her trance and quickly ran out the doors, going to Deucalion.


Colbie was worried.

Colbie Mason was the older sister of Grace Mason. She was absolutely, incredibly worried about her little sister.

Grace being a werewolf had taken a toll on her ever since she left their home in Beacon Hills to travel with a pack who 'accepted' her. Then, when Grace met the Alpha Pack, Colbie thought things would finally look up for the younger Mason, but to enter she needed to kill her entire pack.

Manageable since they were all terrible people, but it changed something inside the girl. And the happy girl she was as a child had been chipped off and forgotten. She would never feel that happy ever again. Grace very much believed that with her entire heart.

Killing that pack, it made her contemplate why she wasn't killed. But Deucalion made her feel welcome. Deucalion made her feel like she was a part of something. Kali and Enis treated her as a sister, even though they would never fully trust each other. And she found comfort in the two twins that came about a month later.

Deucalion found two omega twins in a pack that mistreated them and quickly moved into action. He taught them how to transform into a werewolf together, and had them kill their entire pack.

Grace found her two best friends the day they started to travel with the pack. She felt like she belonged with them. And, in a way, she did.

But she would never be able to replicate the happiness she felt when the blind man informed them that their next stop was Beacon Hill, California.

She would get to see her sister, who had become a nurse, and she would get to see the hometown she grew up in. She loves that little town and wouldn't change it for anything.

But then, the killing started. Human sacrifices. Trying to get Derek to turn away from his pack comprised of all teenagers. Harboring three teens for three months before killing one (Kali), and letting the other two into the full moon to rampage the population, trying to subtract a few numbers from the census.

Grace was lost.

All she knew was she wanted to be on the good side, which would only come with death. No one gets out of the pack alive. They all end up dying. It's a family, and the only way to get rid of a family is for them to get rid of them in the sweet release of their death.

But she was 16. She didn't want to die. But she didn't want to continue killing everyone at the drop of Deucalion's hat.

So, she did the next best thing. She told Stiles. She was frantic and decided to do something that might get her in trouble with the pack. But, she was done with the killing. She hated it. Maybe that was why she was still limping.

Colbie saw the shift in her little sister. She came home at all hours of the night, limping and covered in blood. The happiest she had seen her was when she helped Scott and Derek.

After their reuniting, that may have been the only time Colbie saw her happy.

The blonde nurse would do anything in her power to help her sister. But she didn't know Scott McCall- wait. McCall?

She didn't know Scott McCall, but she did know his mother.


Stiles, Lydia, and Cora got to Derek's loft and immediately went to the power supply. They saw numerous switches and decided to pull all of them, in a last attempt to save the alpha. But, no matter how many switches they flipped, nothing was working, the power wasn't turning on, nothing.

So the two girls sent Stiles to look somewhere else, but he didn't find a switch, he found a familiar blonde girl sitting on the ground, knees drawn up to her chest, hands at her sides, whispering something incoherent. There was blood coming from her eyes, ears, and fingernails.

Stiles didn't know what was happening and tried shaking her awake. She only shook her head and kept whispering words that he now recognized as a language, Archaic Latin.

"Hey, Grace," He said, lightly slapping her, but he soon realized that wasn't working, so he shook her rapidly while calling her name.

"What are you doing?" Cora said, looking at him as he tried to wake the girl.

"I think she has something to do with it," Stiles said, continuing to shake her, trying to get her to lose her focus. Cora gently pushed his away and sunk her claws into her sides. Grace's eyes flew open and the power turned on.

Grace pushed Cora off of her harshly as the blood filled her eyes and she fainted.


Grace awoke on a metal table.

She sat up and looked at her nails. No more blood. Interesting. Her vision wasn't impaired by the amount of blood in them.

How long had she been here?

Stiles emerged from a different room with Doctor Deaton. He rushed over to her side immediately and urged her to lay back down.

"How long have I been here?" She said, doing the exact opposite and moving to stand up from the table.

"You've been out for about three days," Stiles told her, trying to stop her from leaving.

"Three days?" She exclaimed, getting in an even bigger rush to leave. "My sister, she's probably freaking out," She said, her hands going to hold her head in panic. "Kali- fuck! Kali!" She almost tripped over herself in her frantic exit.

"Wait, wait," Stiles said, gently touching her shoulder. "Can you just stay here, for like, I don't know, an hour? Just so he can explain what happened to you."

She turned around to meet his eyes and scoffed before walking back into the room she exited from.

"Convinced her?" Deaton raised his eyebrows at the teenager. "Good."

"What are you gonna explain to me?" She asked the vet. "I overloaded, it happens," Grace shrugged.

"Not entirely," Deaton said, grabbing a vial with a Celtic symbol.

"What do you mean, not entirely?"

"Yes, you overloaded, but what you were doing wasn't exceptionally challenging for someone of your skillset," Deaton held out the vial to her. "Especially since it was only a few minutes."

"Mistletoe," She said, looking at the plant inside. "Of course," Grace closed her eyes bitterly.

"The question is, who poisoned you?"

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