six: crush

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six : crush

"Class starts in five minutes," Coach said into his megaphone the next day

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"Class starts in five minutes," Coach said into his megaphone the next day. "Just because there's no power don't expect there to be no school."

Grace had ridden to school with Lydia that day and was walking the halls with her before the redhead caught sight of Stiles. Lydia grinned maliciously at her and left her next to the boy.

"That was a triple negative. Very impressive, Coach," Stiles told the older man.

"Copy that," He said from further down the hall.

He knocked his keys out of his locker and bent down to pick them up, but Grace already popped up from the ground, keys in hand, bright smile forming on her face.

"Thanks," He looked at her, his smile morphing to match hers. He took a weird look at his keys and picked out a silver key. "Hello, where did you come from?"

"You don't know where a key that you own came from?" She chuckled lowly.

"It's probably just something I forgot I put on there," He waved off as Scott entered through the double doors. He put a hand up in greeting toward Scott, but the alpha wasn't paying attention, just looking at Kira.

Grace followed his gaze and saw her at the receiving end. She smirked and walked over, looping his arm through hers.

"Ah, young love," Grace teased him as Kira started walking away to her locker. Scott was about to untangle their arms and chase after her, but Stiles put a hand on his chest.

"No, no. Stop," Stiles stood him, watching Kira carefully.

"What?" Scott asked him. "I need to talk to her."

"No," Stiles disagreed. "You need to remember someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her."

"Which is why I need to talk to her," Scott argued.

"Scott, no way," Stiles shook his head. "Until we figure out that she's just another psychotic monster that's going to start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction."

"What if she's like me?" Scott asked, watching the girl walk away.

"That girl walked through 1.21 jigawatts of electricity," Stiles combated. "She's not like you."

Grace let go of his arm and mouthed 'go' at Scott. He nodded stealthily and left to speak to her. Stiles looked at the girl with a 'really?" expression, she just smiled sheepishly.

She walked away, seeing Allison walk up, leaving him with his thoughts.


After school, Grace and Lydia decided to get ready for the blackout party at Derek's loft in the werewolf's apartment.

The blonde threw a white floral dress at Lydia. "Try that on, I think we're the same size," She said, looking at Lydia then at herself, they had the same build and were the same height.

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