twelve : connect

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twelve : connect

Grace was taken to a tunnel

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Grace was taken to a tunnel.

She had no clue where she was or how she had gotten there. But she knew she needed a way out.

Her powers were going haywire. She didn't know exactly why or how, but her fangs were appearing and retracting, she couldn't stop the glow in her eyes and she was casting small spells left and right.

"Are you tapping into your powers?" Void asked her. "Messier that usual, isn't it?"She could him approaching her in the tunnel, making her go the opposite direction. "Well, that's because a lot of bad things happened down here. What's the connection telling you? Are they saying that Stiles is dying?" He asked, the smirk evident in his voice. "He is, you know. He's dying."

She kept running, fine the tunnel, weaving along with it. "Then what do you need me for?" She yelled at him, collapsing at a gate she thought would at least be unlocked. "You think I can help you with something?"

He laughed mockingly at her. "Oh, I know you can."

"I'm not telling you anything!" The blonde yelled as she felt a presence behind her.

"You won't have to," He smirked. "You'll be screaming."


"My friends will find me, they're going to find me," Grace said, leaning against the gate, trying to get it open.

"You think so?" Void said, sitting down on the steps, startling her. "I myself, was kind of wondering what they're doing right now. What useless lead they're chasing. I wonder if maybe some of them have bigger problems to deal with right now. Are they really spending every minute looking for you? Or, are they waiting for nightfall? Focused on some hopeless gesture to pass the time."

Grace turned herself around to look him in the eye.

"What do you want?" She asked him.

"More," He said, standing up.

"More what?" She questioned.

"The trickster stories are all about food, blondie," He started. "The coyote, the raven, the fox. They're all hungry," He said, coming down the steps with each word he said. Until stopping right in front of her. "I'm the same. I just crave something a little different. I eat what you feel," He said as Grace turned to have her back facing him.

She let out a quiet scream as he brought her hair back and leaned in close to her ear.

"And I'm insatiable."


Stiles had been thinking about what Noshiko had said since she had left.

They had just picked up Meredith Walker and we're taking her back to Scott's house.

"The power of a Ceangal Witch."

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